Chapter Twenty Three

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Twenty Three

"So... Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"Not especially."

Of course Sommerset would end up rooming with me. As soon as it was mentioned that he had a small background in psychology, every finger pointed to me as to where he would stay.

The traitors.

"Look. I know you think you have it bad, but look where you are. You're here, you're unhurt, and you're safe for the most part. A lot of people in those cabins would kill to be where you are."

I stare at him uncomprehendingly. "And I would kill to be where they are. Dying of one injury or another. Do you have any idea what kind of pressure I'm under? Do you even know who I am?"

Sommerset sets his jaw. "You're that Alek kid. The one who lost his brother."

I scoff. "Is that all they told you?"

He shoots daggers. "Is that all there is?"

I lean forward in my chair, and pull it forwards until there's almost no space between our knees.

"My name is Aleksandar James Thoreaut, my parents are dead, my brother may or may not be dead as well, I have nightmares about people burning, Summer is hunting me down, I have to help plan a war, oh, and I'm the new Head Superior of the Fall Quadrant by some ungodly pass of power. Nice to meet you."

Sommerset gapes, then slowly closes his mouth.

His hand spans the gap and grips mine lightly.

"You too."

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