Chapter Fourteen

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We’re paraded towards the doors. Thorne takes the lead. Thayer drops back. Falling into step beside Sasha. Creating a sandwich of sorts, in which he and I are the bread, and Sasha, whatever filling that the Winter House desires. Personally, I think it likes ham.

“I missed you…” Thayer says awkwardly. Looking down at his hands as I walk on. Pretending I can’t hear.

“Okay,” Sasha says coolly as we mount the steps, and blow through the wide oak doors. She speaks with less emotion than a peach, and I can’t help but feel a smile turning my lips.

Thayer tries a different approach.

I’m glad you’re safe…” His words are leading. As if pushing her to respond. She pushes back.

“Well Jacie’s not.”

The house chews us up, and spits Thayer out. We leave him stranded by the door. A crumb on the lip of Winter.

Sasha takes my hand. “Gwenna and Haden should be here soon,” she says, and answers my question before I ask it. “The Base Superiors. Though they’re more like family. Haden’s an older brother to me, and Gwenna’s like my mom.” She smiles as we walk. Eyes on the expensively intricate tiling of the floor as we stride deeper down Winter’s throat.

“Sash!” Sasha’s face immediately lights up as her eyes jump from the floor to the woman who’s just spoken. Her dark hair falls luxuriously around her thin face, and her hazel eyes pierce, whilst creating the illusion of warmth.

“Gwen!” Sasha shrieks. Dropping my hand to run to her. It falls to my side. Hitting my thigh. It hangs awkwardly, and so do I. Back from the two as they hug each other tightly.

“I’m so glad you’re safe!” Gwenna says with concern creasing her brows as she holds Sasha at arm’s length before bringing her back in again. “I heard there was a flier. I hope she’s alright.”

“Me too,” Sasha says, and turns slightly in her grasp. “Alek! This is-“

“Gwenna Scott. Most Eligible Winter Base Superior.” She holds out a hand as she states her name and title, and the hand Sasha abandoned finds its way up to meet it.

“Alek Thoreaut,” I say, and Sasha gives me a leading look. “Uhm...” I clear my throat nervously. “Head… Superior… of Fall… by Pass of Power…” Sasha grins at me, but I duck my head to the floor. Back bowing against the weight of the title. MY title.

Gwenna isn’t fazed by my hesitation. She grins, and the warmth almost reaches me as it stretches across her face. “So this is our young Superior,” she says, cradling my hand in both of hers and scrutinizing me. “Handsome young man. I’d say I’ve heard much about you, but this one’s father-” she nods at Sasha, “didn’t tell me you were coming until yesterday.”

Her hands are cool on mine, and all I can do is nod. The heaviness of everything that’s happened is beginning to hit me. My gaze staggers, and my legs feel weak. She drops my hand.

“Have you been feeding this boy?” Gwenna asks Sasha. “He looks completely famished.”

“No, I-” I stammer, but Sasha cuts me off.

“Yeah, I’ve fed him. Doesn’t mean he’ll eat.”

“Well I-” I start again, but Gwenna’s voice carries over mine.

“Well why doesn’t he eat?”

“I do! It’s-” I’m really getting tired of this.

“I don’t know, why don’t you ask him?”

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