Chapter Three

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                    I turn off the water and wrap a towel around my waist. Stepping out of the shower, I lean against the bathroom counter. Clearing a circle in the steamed mirror. My face comes into view: Cheekbones, high and defined; jaw, angular and strong, yet retaining a slightly soft quality; light brown hair that's a bit too long, and sad eyes full of pain. Too much pain. They stare back at me without seeing a thing. They seem to darken as I watch them. Cloud. Gray to black.

                    Threatening a storm.

                    I look away.

                    Stepping onto the landing, I shiver as the cool air hits my wet skin. Wrapping my arms around my body, I take a step towards my room. Before I can take another, Grant comes pounding up the stairs. Fear written and gone over in ink in his eyes. They plead with me. Beg me to understand. Suspicion draws my brows together, and his words confirm my fear.

                    "I'm so sorry."

                    He doesn't have to say anything else. The low chopping of the helicopter speaks for itself. Our gazes lock for a second more, then I dive for my room. I grab the first items of clothing I see, and pull them on. My fingers tripping clumsily with adrenaline as I yank the sleeve of my sweatshirt down over my Fall marking. The black outline of the maple leaf immediately covered by gray material. I stuff everything else I see into a bag. I don't have time to be thorough.

                    Grant and I collide as we surge into the hall, and for a second, the room spins. He grabs my shoulder straps to right me, and we careen down the stairs. Lurching for the door as soon as our feet touch the floor. Grant rips it open, and we sprint across the lawn. He shouts to be heard over the blades. "How'd they find us?! The car wasn't even listed!"

                    "I don't care how they found us!" I yell back. "They did!"

                    He hesitates, and his heart bleeds from his eyes. He knows he's to blame. If he hadn't come, I would be safe right now. Miserable, and sinking lower into my depression with each passing day, but safe.

                    "Go!" I have no patience for his apologies, and we really don't have the time.

                    We drop -none too gracefully- out of sight behind a small hillock just as ropes drop from the helicopters, and figures in black swarm the ground like ants. I glance at Grant. Chest heaving. He's looking over his shoulder. Fierce determination in his eyes. It makes me sick. I've seen that look before.

                    My mother looks pointedly at my father. Her eyes sparkling dangerously in the light of the fire. They share a nod. "Alek, take Keyne. Grant, go with them."

                    The sudden clarity in all of the confusion startles me. "Where are we going?" I ask. My voice is small, and I take my brother's hand as it is shoved into mine.

                    "Not we, son. You." She hugs her brother, and I hear her over the crackling of the fire, and the screams of the Fall. "Take care of them."


                    "It's okay, Grant. We'll be okay. We'll meet you there." Doubt clouds her eyes, and Grant catches it.

                    "And if you don't?"

                    She hugs him again. Hard. Like it would be the last time. "Take care of them."

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