Ch.28 Klare

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This chapter is for you Flare =3

(No POV)

After Misako left they sat down and Flare was in Kai's arms shaking. Kai looked at her and blushed. Then she fell asleep-on Kai. Kai's blush deepened to a crimson red.

"Um......what's up with h-her?" Kai asked.

"Flare does that when she's scared. I guess Lloyd's story really scared her when Misako came in." Clare explained.

"Oh." Was all Kai said. Flare held onto Kai's waist. He tried to wriggle out of it but it didn't work.
The others just watched them and fangirled/fanboyed. Clare took out her phone and held it up to Kai.

"W-waaa?" Kai looked at it with fear.

"Smile!" Kai forces a smile.

"Thank you. I know your liking this." Clare whispered into Kai's ear.

"N-NO I'M NOT!!!"

"Shush your going to wake her up." Clare whispered-yelled.


Flare moaned at Kai's yelling but was smiling faintly.

"Aww.......guys I think we should leave them alone." Meadow said pointing at the door.

"Yeah we should." Lloyd agreed following her.

"You're just saying that to hang out with her." Kai said to him.

"N-no that's not why!" Lloyd half whispered yelled while blushing pink.

Clare saw a camera and got an idea. So she pushed everyone out and left Kai and Flare alone.

"Why did you push us out?" they didn't get a response until Clare was done doing something on her phone.

She turned around to face them.

"I hacked into the camera in there so we can see everything that is happening in the room."

(Kai's POV)

At times Flare would mumble something and her ear would twitch. She was so cute sleeping.

"So warm........." She mumbled. I blushed and smiled faintly. I ran my hand through her hair.

I didn't want to disturb her but I did want her to let go of me. I'll admit it was a little awkward.

I bent down and kissed her forehead. She smiled.

There was something about her that made me feel.........warm. I put my hands behind me and I may have accidentally woke her up doing that.

"W-waaa where am I."

"You got scared and fell asleep on me."

"I'm sorry Kai it's just I-"

I interupted her with a kiss. She kissed back and it was like the world around us stopped. We had to pull away for air though. She was blushing heavily.........So was I.

"W-what was that for?" She asked.

"I always had a strange feeling around you. But do you feel the same about me?"

She nodded.

(No POV)

The guys saw the whole thing and decided to leave them alone for a while. They came back a few minutes later and saw them asleep together.

The others decided to sleep as well.

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