Chapter 15

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Grey's POV:

"Cam, pay up," Adrien call to a man who was trying to sneak out of the room. He huffed and trudged over to Adrien and handed him a 20 dollar bill. Adrien held it to the light for dramatic effect and smirked at the guy. I raised an eyebrow to him. "I bet him that you would take a charge and make a plan all on your own without me interfering."

I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms. I settled my eyes on the man. "So you didn't think I could do it?" I challenged. I saw him visibly gulp. "I-uh I-didn' Yes! I mean...yes?" He stumbled. I lost the serious face and chuckled. "Cam, I want you to stay here for a minute while I deal with these two," Adrien said, gesturing to my father and Vix.

"You think you're so powerful Adrien, you think you could beat anyone...don't you?" Vix said. Adrien smiled. "Well aren't you a ray of sunshine. I know I'm powerful and I know I can beat anyone. But that's not what we're focusing on right now. I want to discuss another matter."

My father scoffed. "I know exactly what it is, and my answer is no, you can not keep Grey here. She is to marry Vix and that's final. I won't have her throw away making our pack stronger because of something as silly as a mate," my father said. Adrien narrowed his eyes and clenched his fist. I felt his whole body tense underneath me. "Then I guess we have to do this the hard way."

I placed my hand on his clenched fist in an attempt to calm him. "With all do respect Alpha Black, I mean no harm to you or your pack, I just want what's best for my daughter," He said.

I felt my blood boil. I stood up from Adrien's lap and walked over to face him. "I'm not, nor was I ever, your daughter. You want what's best for me, and you want no harm to come to Adrien? Then why did you send me, no weapons, to try and kill the most powerful alpha by myself? Answer that dad," I said.

I stared deeply into my father's eyes, and for the first time, I had the upper hand. His eyes darkened and I held my breath. He gripped my wrist is a death hold and growled under his breath.

"Let her go Dante."

I raised my head to the new voice that appeared. I let out a breath as I was now staring at Kyle Sevray, my ex mate.

"Miss me Grey darling?" He said, suspiciously smiling. My father let go of my wrist and looked at me for my reaction.

"Why would I miss my abusive sorry excuse of an ex-mate?" I said.

"Freaking fantastic," Adrien said, throwing his hands up in the air. He huffed and placed his head in his hands.

"Why have you just shown up all of the sudden?" I questioned. He smirked and stalked closer to all of us. "I was supposed to attend the meeting today, but I got here too late. So I just hung around here and chatted up your lovely pack members Alpha Black," he said, trying to get Adrien angry. Adrien just blinked and sat there looking annoyed.

"Grey, come on, just come back home," my father said, cradling my hands in his gently. "I'm sorry for what I've done, I just wanted the best for you."

I pulled my hands away from his. "That place was not my home. For the last time, you are not my father, you were not my mother's husband, you're a killer, an abusive killer, and I'm done being your slave."

I then turned to Vix. "And you!" I yelled, jabbing a finger at his chest. "I am not your wife, I am not your little dummy you can push around, and I swear to the moon goddess if you as so much lay another hand on that sweet little girl again, I will personally rip your hands off and slap you senseless with them! Do I make myself clear?" I yelled, pushing his shoulders back into the chair. His black eyes quickly turned back to blue in a snap. "Y-Yes Grey," he stuttered.

"It's Luna Black to both of you," I spat. I looked over at Kyle. "Sit," I ordered. He sat down quietly as he continued to observe the scene before him.

"Let's talk about this darling," my father tried, standing up. "Sit," Adrien said from behind me. My father glared at him as he sat down.

"You will be staying in the same guest hall as everyone else, but there will be guards placed by your doors and if they find anything suspicious it will be reported to me directly," Adrien said, looking at me for confirmation. I nodded my head and looked back at them.

"Very well, I'm sorry to cause trouble," my father said as he grabbed Vix's arm and pulled him out of the room. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Kyle.

"So...your the apparent, and I quote sorry excuse of an ex-mate," Adrien trailed, looking directly at Kyle. Kyle raised his eyebrow and looked at him. "Why does it matter to you?" He spat.

Adrien chuckled darkly to his question and looked up in intimidation. "I'm your replacement."

Kyle looked at me for confirmation and I nodded my head. "Why would she put you with him?" He said. "I thought you would have been paired with some stupid rogue, if anyone at all. I never actually liked you, just needed to relax sometimes, and it's difficult finding some own quickly."

I gaped at his comment. He abused me and ruined my life just for that?

I pushed his chair back and pushed his shoulders. "You little-"

He gripped my shoulders and pushed me back, causing me to fall to the floor. He stood up from the chair and held his hand in a tight fist.

"You're worthless!"

"I should have rejected you!"

"You deserve to be killed."

I froze and sprawled onto my back. I looked up to see Adrien had pinned him to the wall at full force. I heard his arm breaking and his cry of pain.

"Come on is that the best you've got?!" He screamed, causing Adrien to punching him in the face. As he pulled away I saw Kyle's face was completely covered in blood.

"Xander, Carter, Luke, whoever can hear me right now, come to the meeting hall immediately...Adrien might kill someone if you don't."

Five seconds later, Xander and Issa came barging through the door. Xander took Adrien off of Kyle, then pulled Kyle's arms behind his back. Issa ran to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Please don't hurt me," I whimpered pathetically. She shushed me and hugged me tighter. "I will never hurt you Grey, I promise," she whispered. I felt tears begin to slide down my face. I looked up to see Kyle being man-handled out of the room.

Adrien ran his hands through his hair and breathed out heavily. I broke out of Issa's hold and ran to him. I hugged him as tight as I could and never wanted to let go. "Thank you, thank you so much," I whispered.

"What about your father and Vix?" He whispered in my ear.

"I'm finally beginning to slowly fade from their power."

I pulled back and smiled at him and for the first time, I felt content with my life.



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