Chapter 5

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I loudly groaned as I woke up with a massive headache. I moved my arms a bit, trying to peel them off the bed, due to the sweat that was coating my body. I removed the sleep from my eyes and took a look around. I was in a hospital room bed. I laid down in relief and closed my eyes. It was all a dream. Then I popped my eyes open again. Something wasn't right. I took a look around the room once more, this was definitely not the hospital room I was in.

I began to murderously detach anything that was connected to me. I scurried out of the bed, running towards the door. I reached for my weapon belt, so I could pick the lock. When I reached for nothing but thin air; I panicked. I aggravatedly banged on the door, in an attempt to have someone let me out. But I didn't know where I was. What if I'm in a prison for running away? I hit the door with all the force I had due to anger. A tiny light of hope shone in my mind as I saw a crack in the wood. I repeatedly banged my fist on the crack, trying to open it. I hissed in pain as I pulled back my hand. I examined it only to find a hush gash on the inside of my hand.

"You're not going to get very far without your toolbelt," A voice said from the corner. I jumped back to see Alpha Adrien standing in the corner, twiddling my belt along his fingers.

"How long have you been here?!" I said, exasperated.

He pretended to think about. Dramatically putting his finger to his chin. "Long enough," he said smugly. 

I sent a glare his way, clenching my injured hand tightly, trying to cut off blood flow. "Why didn't you say anything to me earlier!" I said.

"It was fun to watch you struggle."

I threw my hands in the air. "Really?!" I yelled. He ignored my words and grabbed my hand. I quickly retracted it. "I'm trying to help you," he said. I studied him, trying to find a trace of dishonesty. "I'm finding that hard to believe."

He chuckled. "I don't blame you."

He grabbed my arm once more, holding it tightly. I felt a weird spark connection as he touched me, I almost felt drawn to him. He proceeded to pull out a tiny eye dropper from a drawer near him. He then emptied the whole thing on my gash.

I fell in pain.

There was a large burning feeling in my hand, it began to radiate all over my body. I softly whimpered as I attempted to get up, but was kicked back down. I look up to see Adrien grinning at me. Fricken grinning. "What was in that?" I groaned. He leaned down to my face. "Lemon juice and silver, love."

I looked straight into his blue eyes, growling as I tested him. "You seem mad, was it something that I said?" He said, smirking triumphantly. He turned away for a moment, giving me the moment to use my good hand to push him down. I smiled as he groaned in pain from hitting the headboard on the bed, a loud crack echoing loudly off the walls. He rolled over to my direction, his face about a foot from mine.

He attempted to get up, but his head was pulled back to the ground. I saw that he now had a large gash on the left side of his head and and a larger one along his arm.

"Karmaaa!" I sing-songed from beside him.

He rolled his eyes. "Shut up. This means nothing."

"Sure it doesn't wolfie."

"Don't call me that," he spat.

" the big bad wolf annoyed? How cute," I said with false sweetness. He scoffed and attempted to roll the other way. I used this time to use my foot to reach for my belt, which was now on the floor from Adrien throwing it. I mentally celebrated as it strung itself around my foot. I bent my knee, allowing me to grab it with my left arm. I hid it slightly under my back so he wouldn't see it.

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