Chapter 11

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"We need to talk, you have some explaining to do."

I winced. I knew he was going to say that. "As do you," I said to him.

He rolled his eyes and motioned for me to sit next to him.

"You didn't tell me you had a sister!" I blurted, wanting to point fingers at him before he got a chance to say anything. He rolled his eyes. "I was going to tell you, but I got attacked before I got the chance."

I shut my mouth. "Sorry."

He nodded and pulled me closer. I tensed at first, then relaxed. "I guess you want to know why I freaked out?"


I nodded, then grabbed one of his hands. "Um...I think we both know we have had previous mates before this." I took his silence as an answer, then continued. "His name was Kyle. He was the sweetest thing in the beginning. Wrote me poems, sung me songs, and... Just made me feel amazing."

I paused. "Then he changed. I would find him with a new girl what felt like every day. They were always being friendly, if you know what I mean. The bond blocked my anger and I convinced myself he didn't mean it. got to the point"

Adrien pulled me closer. "It's okay, I know what you mean."

I sighed out. "I fought against him and he hit me. It led to him constantly hurting me. If I did anything wrong, he would use his hands or silver weapons to get to me. That's why I trained, so I could protect myself. I rejected him after he had almost hurt my brother. I found out he went to a war that recently happened, he got hurt, and I haven't seen him since."

I sighed. "So...that's my sukish life."

He picked me up and placed me into his lap, holding a hand to my cheek, making me face him. "It's okay to cry," he whispered. I shook my head. I felt my eyes water a bit, and I quickly blinked them away. "Crying isn't something alphas should do, it makes us look weak," I choked out. He pulled my into his neck and rubbed my back comfortingly. I felt a tear slide down my cheek, and they hair kept coming. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried myself further.

"I'm sorry," I cried. I felt him tense and quickly shush me. "Grey, there is nothing for you to be sorry about. None of this was your fault."

He held me there for a moment before he pulled me back. He pushed my hair behind my hair and sighed. "He is coming to the next meeting."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Who?"


My eyes widened. "He's not an Alpha!" I said. Adrien began to pet my hair. "No, but his new friend is." They haven't been here because of what you told me, he got hurt. The next meeting is Friday as you know."

Of course! I used my hand to check to see if I had a fever. I have to have something, this is crazy! "Adrien?" He looked me in the eye. "You're telling me that I am going to be in the same room as my father, Vix, and Kyle for however long it takes us to form a plan?" I asked. He but his lip and nodded. "You can sit in my lap again, not that I mind," he smirked. I responded by hitting him in the shoulder. "I may actually take you up on that offer, either that or get a chair next to you."

"I'm good with you sitting in my lap," he chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "You're impossible."

He chuckled, then took me off his lap. "Now, I have some paperwork to get done."

I groaned. "I promise we can train more after," he assured me. He picked up a pad of sticky notes and threw them at my feet.

"Here, distract yourself with these." He paused. "And don't throw them at me."

I laid back in the chair and grinned. I picked them up and began to fold them into shapes. I stared admiringly at the purple paper dragon that now sat in my hand.

I placed it on the table and looked up at Adrien. He was laying back in his chair, staring longing at a document in his hand. He was wearing a thick set of glasses that brought out his blue eyes. And I couldn't help but just stare at him.

He looked up in amusement and raised his eyebrows. "I'm not supposed to be the distraction," he laughed, causing me to blush and grab the paper again. I looked up at the door when I saw it opened. I saw the faint blue dye on Issa's blonde hair appear.

"You guys ditched me-What happened in here?!" She screeched.

I couldn't help it and burst out laughing. I clamped a hand over my mouth to try and control myself when I let out a snort. I clenched my stomach as it grew sore.

"Is she okay?" Issa asked. I heard Adrien chuckle. "Sure, let's go with that."

I calmed down and took a deep breath. "I'm good, I'm good."

I took another deep breath and looked at Issa. "I got angry at him the first time we met."

She nodded her head and sat on the edge of his desk. "Yeah, I get that. He can be so annoying at times," she said as she sprawled out on his desk, prohibiting him from reading anything.

"Do you have to do that here?"


I laughed at her antics. "Don't encourage her," he told me, making me laugh louder. I got up and gave her a high five and helped her get off.


He sighed put deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes?"

She smiled and patted my shoulders. "How have you been treating Grey over here? Knowing you, you probably haven't even taking her out on a date yet."

I blushed and Adrien eyes widened. "Considering we tried to kill each other yesterday...we didn't really get to that part." He paused and turned to me. "Grey, would you like to join me tonight for dinner at 8?"

I felt my cheeks burn more and I nodded quickly.

"Was that so hard?" Issa teased. He folded his hands and rested his head on them. "So, Iz how's your mate?"

She narrowed her eyes and chucked a book at him, which he promptly dodged. "I'll kill you someday."

"Can I help?" I laughed.

"The irony," Adrien said monotonously. Me and Issa high fived once more. "Adrien, can I steal her for the day?" She asked.

"You won't consider my opinion anyways so...have fun!" He said, pushing his glasses back on his face.

Issa squealed and headed for the door, but not before shaking her head at the walls. As she left I walked over to Adrien and kissed him on the cheek. He looked up at me in shock.

"What? Can't a girl kiss her mate?" I said reusing his line from earlier.

I bolted to the door, turning back to see a dumbfounded Adrien. I looked down and grinned. Issa reached in, grabbed my hand, and pulled me out into the hallway.


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