Chapter 15: Sisters...

Start from the beginning

"There's seriously this one anime about Teenage Mutant ninja Doggies. Imagine if they did that with turtles.." Summer then sighs. "a squid can dream. Anyways I use the Carbon Roller and wear the entire SQUID GIRL set."

"Well someone's into cosplay." Jared jokingly said

"Last up there's me, I wear a Straw Boater, Zekko Hoodie, Cyan Trainers and use the Aerospray RG and I'm the leader of my group."

"YOUR THE LEADER!? What the.....ya know what, IM the leader of my own group too."

"You are?" Jared questions

"And I lead these 3 boys right her."

"You do?" And then Carter

"And we're gonna kick your squid butt back to the human age!"

"We will?" And then Xavier...

"Fine then, let's battle now and see whos better, once and for all."

The battle begins at Arowana Mall on Tower Control. The battle begins in 3....2.....1...... GO!!

"Uhh amethyst last time I checked, I was the leader." Jared reminded her

"You are?? If anything i should be leading you creatures, i have highest rank on the team!" Xavier complains as Amethyst cuts in

"Oh please Jared, you aint even the leader. I'll show you how a real captain leads a team. Besides your like the lowest level out of all of us, you'd probably get in the way."

"Amethyst are you feeling ok? You'd never say that."

"Idk what's wrong with her but I like her even more now HAHAHA."

"Alright here's the plan, Xavier and Carter you go straight ahead, Jared you sneak in somewhere and I'll snipe on one of those ledges. Let's move and kick butt people!!!"

They all make their way to their positions but the jet Squelcher, Brooke, takes out Xavier and Carter from a high ledge. Amethyst takes her out but Summer and her carbon roller snuck up behind her.

"Woah these guys are fast."

"Faster than you think."

Then Jared gets taken out by Jessica the Classic Squiffer user then their team takes the tower

"Amethyst their too fast."

"Ugh and too good. Yeah I'm surprised I said that myself, someone actually being better than ME." Xavier said

"NO we can do it, we just need to take the tower!"

In the middle area of Jared's team's base they all get splatted by Brooke from atop a ledge, Summer and Jessica from the ground and Abigail who is riding the tower constantly putting Ink mines. The 4 of them make it near the end and Summer uses an inkzooka on them while Jesscia gives everyone a bubbler and Abigail and Brooke lands 2 inkstrikes. They take the tower to the end and Jared's team lost

"Dang we got destroyed, nice going amethyst!" Jared yelled

"hey it wasn't really her fault. I mean sure she screwed up badly but we could've lost a lot more points." Xavier said

"That was so fun crushing your pathetic team, Ame! Well I must be going to fight way better teams than yours, bye." Abigail & her team enter back in the lobby while an annoyed amethyst grows furious

"Uhh amethyst are you ok?" Jared wondered

"Yeah you look like a steamed vegetable. And not tasty at all but really burnt." Xavier said

"IM FINE!!! Ugh I just need to go & practice on my charger skills!" Amethyst stomps throughout the street while the others worry about her

"I feel like she really just needs to chill."

"I should probably check on her"

"Oh & how come Xavier?"

"Non of your business you urchin! Go play with Carter or something." Xavier follows after amethyst fast

"Uhhh looks like it's just you and me Jared. Wanna do a twin squad?"


"Uhh hey Carter.."

"Oh hey Chuck. Glad your here. Wanna do a tri-squad with us?"

"Uhh no I wanted to tell you something...alone!"

"Uhh ok."

"You can talk to him Carter, I'll be in the lobby doing some squad battles." Jared Heads in the lobby. Chuck is about to ask Carter while his heart beats super fast.

"What is it, Chuck?...are you ok? Your sweating a lot."

"Uhh I'm fine...wait a minute...lemme just look around." Chuck looks if anyone will come & interrupt but the only person he notices is Michael, hiding behind a bush giving him a thumbs up.

"Ok it's all clear. Ok Carter I wanted to tell you um....I like you.....and I was um wondering if you wanted to go out with me..." Chuck says really nervously while his eyes were closed

"Oh......uh you do know I'm a guy right?"


"Ummm idk exactly...might wanna give me a while to think about it...sorry i just wasn't expecting that."

"I-it's fine.....yeah you think about it as long as you want...."

Carter then leaves while Michael comes out of the bush saying.

"Well looks like that worked.....right?"

"Yeah I finally did it. Thanks a lot Mike!"

Chuck hugs Michael then leaves with a smile on his face for once

"Heh no that's what a hug feels felt nice." Michael then walks to his house with a dark clouds approach rapidly

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