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That's what my creator taught me.....
But I'm an animatronic,that can change in to an animatronic wolf and into a half animatronic and half human.

Hi my name is Claudette and I was in a good dream in my bed well I wouldnt say a bed more like a stage I was half awake as i sat there in my blue shorts and loose black shirt with my gingered hair over my head as my wolf fangs hung out of my mouth and my blue eyes were half open,and my hands folded in my lap with a microphone.(ya I'm a singer) ,my wolf ears that were on my head where flat and my gingered colored tail was raped around me. My tan skin rubbed against the stage.(i was in my human form) my best friend Cloy was on my right and looked just like me but she had two tails and was a gray colored wolf....don't get me wrong she was in her animatronic form witch was taller and bigger than a real human and had a long muzzle(also know as a nose but for an animal) and two long fangs hanging from her mouth. She must be sleeping because her eyes were closed. Then there on my left was Cloy's sister Starlass,and she looked just like cloy. The only difference is there eyes,Cloy's eyes were pink and Starlasses  were orange. She too was an animatronic form and sleeping as well.

As I sat there in my human/animatronic (she looked human but had builts and nuts every were witch made her look like a human robot with a wolf tail and wolf ears and don't forget the fangs),form in a restaurant called 'Alphas fun house' just like 'freddys fazbear pizzeria' but we're not murderous we actually have a defense system for people that try to kill someone and we also have a free Rome mode in day and night the only flaw we animatronics have here is that we need a leader to lead us just like a real pack,but this pack are werewolf animatronics and are leader is Alpha.

I slowly woke up by our.....puppet!?

"Claudette wake up." Said jack the puppet gently shaking me to wake me up fully.
"Ugh..... WHAT DO YOU WANT!?😤😡" I yelled whisper to him.
"Well Alpha wants to talk to you."
"Oh.😶" I said jumping off the stage witch made a clanking noise every time I took a step.

I entered Alpha's office and shut the door behind me.

"Do you need something brother?😐" Oh ya the leader of the pack is my brother witch makes me second in charge.
"Yes sis....we need to talk about something or more like someone."
"Oh and who might that someone or something be brother" I asked sitting in front of him.
"That someone is for you to find out...but what I can tell you about him is that he's an animatronic and is from..."
"From were brother?🙅" I said crossing my arms getting a little annoyed.
"He's from freddy faz-"
"Freddy fazbear pizzeria'!?😲 Oh brother please tell me this is not true!🙏"
"Sadly it is sis." He said with a stone cold voice of annoyance from me interrupting.
"🙇You have to be kidding me right?😅"
"😅..😂..😭 you know what they are?" I asked then answered befor he could, and getting mad.
"Th-there killers a-and your going to let them come here! Are you out off your mind or am a still sitting on the damn stage dreaming!?😤" I said as my once blue eyes were a shot dead blood red color.
"I am not out of my mind! And there's only one coming to take two of our friends to work th-" I interrupted him by almost yelling loudly.
"Not only are you out of your mind you've gone craze!😡" He put his red eyes on and yelled at me.
"Let me finish Claudette!!.... finiley,now listen your going too and! And you and the other person are going to help the animatronics there."

I had enough off listening to him so I stormed out of the room in my wolf form that looked like a real wolf but way bigger and with bigger claws,canine,and more beautiful (her fur was gingered color and her eyes were a lighter blood red)

I stomped/ran down the hallway with every step being a CLANG or CHANG! I ran pass jack and on the stage and curled into a small ball still in my wolf form. I growled loudly when jack came close witch startled Cloy and Starlass and they woke up.

"What's wrong Claudette?" Asked my best friend Cloy who shooed jack off.
"Brother😡..." that's all I said,actually that's all I needed to say because Cloy knows that,that one word meant we had an argument. But with Starlass always being and acting a dummy and asked....

"What did he do?" I looked up at her then to Cloy giving her an 'if she doesn't find out she will never see day light again' look. Cloy nodded then turning to her sister and were talking in her mind. P.S. we all have powers...

Alpha's: To controls everyone except his sister and can change into an black wolf.
Starlass's: To only share a mind link with one person and can change into a white wolf.
Cloy's: To share a mind link with everyone if needed or just one person and can change into a brown wolf.
Claudette's: Has a worrier inside her that she can summon when ever and were ever and can change into a ginger wolf.
Jack the puppet's: To fix anything and can build anything.
PB(party boy): To create awesome parties and has a demon side.
PPG(party pranker girl): To creat parties that prank people and has a demon hiding in her.
Demon Bonbon or (Db): To play any instrument or any tone and was created in the underworld also can change into a black fire shadow wolf.
(All animatronics/rest of the crew)

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