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''come on Alex pick a system already'' dad moans. I cant decide "Xbox or Play station" I say in confusion,I grab the Xbox and walk towards the self check out. as were walking  out a man in a yellow hat and a orange ski mask pulls out a gun and puts it on dads head shouting '' wheres the money'' ''I dont know wheres your neck'' dad shouts as if he's a mad man.The man hits him in the nose with the bottom of his gun, "once again wheres the money'' dad spits on the man.As the man wipes the blood of of is sea green jacket he puts the end of the gun by dads hart and says ''wheres the money'' ''screw you'' dad says in angry voice, the man pulls the trigger causing blood to fly into the air mom screams and falls to her knees,holding dads wounds.she pulls her hands off of the gushing hole in dads chest,she rubs here hand against her face,and starts to cry than progress to a grin of madness.

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