Chapter 1

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Warning: Non/dub con, psychological.

Kyungsoo startled awake from another flair of pain, breathing hard and sweating as he bolted upright in bed, willing away the intense heat and discomfort that washed over him and settled in his gut. He groaned at the wetness that leaked from his ass on to the bed, a testament to his omega heritage. He was in heat and even at 20 years old, he had not met his alpha mate yet. Lot of other alphas had come close, their scent attracting him to them but there was always something missing; he didn't feel the need to knot and felt even less inclined to breed. He knew he wouldn't be completely satisfied, so he didn't go that route.

...Not that he'd never taken up few offers from interested alphas, but definitely not often.

Throwing his legs over the side of the bed, he made his way across the room where his heat suppressants laid in drawer. The suppressants were made for omegas who wanted to go on living their lives without an alpha, especially those eho wanted to leave abusive relationships or those that just didn't find theirs like him. The heat could sometimes be so painful an omega ended up in hospital. He took two of the soft gels and just stood there, leaning against the wall as the need to mate overwhelmed him. He didn't want to attempt masturbation either, because in the context of heat that might make things worse. If his mate couldn't satisfy him in those times, hardly anything could. His head throbbed with desire and his ass with need as he kept self lubricating. His pulce raced until a few minutes later when the pills started kicking in and everything slowed. He breathed a sigh of relief, gave himself a little self gratification in that moment and the proceeded to clean up himself and his soiled bed, wondering when he'll ever meet his one true mate, the man that would appease his body and his mind completely.


"Hey Kyungsoo, over here!"

Kyungsoo entered a bar a few blocks from where he lived later in the evening, meeting his friends for a few drinks. This was a safe haven for them, an omega/beta friendly bar with a huge sign out front that no alphas were allowed. Alphas tended to cause a scene when surrounded by omegas who they want to exert dominance ovef once that omega was present, alone or not. Huge fights even broke out once an omega was in heat. There was none of that here and he walked over to his beta friend, Suho, when he waved him over.
"Hi guys."

"Hey." Chanyeol, an omega like himself, held hus beer bottle up to him in salute as he sat down.

Suho sat back down and waved at the bartender before pointing at the beers. The man nodded and went to get few more.

"So Kyungsoo, we haven't seen you in a week, what's been happening?" Suho asked.

Betas like Suho were below alphas but above omegas. They had better control over their mating cycles and had the freedom to choose a mate, unlike omegas who had to stick to whomever their body was compatible with, man or women. Omegas exuded pheromones that attract only a certain alpha most times who would become their mate for life. There were even laws in some prefectures that dissuaded omega/omega relationships, because studies have shown that these unions were more likely to produce omega offspring's. This was a concern for places whit a high percentage of omega dwellers though. The reverse was true for cities with majority of the population being alphas, especially since citizens were dissuaded from leaving their cities and towns unless strictly necessary. Betas got a free pass for being able to fit into either role when put into the simple term of things.

The thing was, mostly women became omegas, which had a lot to do with their genetic makeup. It wasn't necessarily rare for a man to be an omega, but it was mostly female predominant trait. Likewise for a female alpha; rare but not unheard of. So of course, the bar was packed with a ratio of 3/4 being female.

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