Chapter Ten

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authors note: hey again! well its summer now offically! more time to write i suppose! anyway, heres your chapter! i probably wont update til next saturday. anyway, here you go, SOME HITS OF STARRISON!! yay! trust me they'll get together soon ;) but ringos gotta come to terms yknow! this time itll be more towards Georges feelings ! also, i LOVE LOVE LOVE cynthia very, very much, i have nothing against my sweet little cynie, this is JUST for the story. thank you! enjoy!♡♡

Paul's eyes traveled to John as they stood infront of the door with George and Ringo. It was the next day..They were going to speak with the press.

Paul hated the idea of covering up his and John's relationship. But, it was for the sake of The Beatles. Paul loved his band and didn't want it to end over some silly queerness, so he decided to just lie ane say Cythina had lied.

Simple, huh? No. It broke Paul knowing being who he was..was just terrible.

John sighed, nudging the younger lad as he opened the door and they walked out. Getting out of the hotel was easy, getting by the raging crowd..even harder.

The four men walked quickly down the hallway, there feet knocking against the ground as they turned down hallways and into elavators.

Finally they were at the front of the building, looking through the glass doors they seen the large crowd surronding their car. Paul swallowed and looked at John, his eyes wide and fearful for them.

John let his muddy brown gaze met with Paul, a smile crossing his thin lips as he nodded gently at his lover.

"We'll be okay, Paulie. Lets go now."

George sighed, walking to the door followed by puppy dog faced Paul, innocent looking Ringo, and a smug John. George was sorta queer himself, he understood Pauls ache. After all; having to hide your love for someone? George understood that pain. He glanced at Ringo quickly, before looking away and stopping at the door. Looking at the cops as they pushed the crowd back. The boys took in a deep breath, looked at each other for one second, before darting out of the building and to the car.

George, Ringo and John hopped in first, Paul had stumbled, something being thrown at him. He flinched, whatever it was - it hurt!

The puppy faced lad looked at the crowd, frowning at the queer insults and shouts. The hate. Paul turned, and climbed in the car.

The young man wanted to cry, and he hated cry just as much as the next man. But he wanted to break down in tears.

Is this what he deserved for being a queer? He didn't wanna hurt anyone. He didn't wanna harm kids or murder or lure people to be like him. He just wanted to be him, what was wrong with that? What was wrong with him loving another man?

"You alright, love?"

John questioned - looking at Paul with worried eyes. John read Paul without trouble.

"I'm alright. You guys okay? You didn't get hit or anything did ya?"

George and Ringo shook their head, along with John who laid back against the seat of the car.

"We just deny what they tell us. I'll just..claim me and Cynthia were fighting, alright boys? This will end okay."

"Alright, Johnny."

The other three smiled and nodded, changing the subject, the four men went into a different subject.

Paul sighed when the car hit their stop. Biting on his lip, he climbed out - glancing at the other three behind him.

John placed a hand on his shoulder once he started walking beside his friend. A smile on his lips as he looked at the other,

"It's gonna be okay, Paulie, don't worry."

Paul bit his lip, slowly nodding as he looked at George and Ringo, who seemed to be smiling reassuringly.

"Okay, you three ready to get this done with?"

Pauls voice was unsure and shaky when he asked the three the question. His eyes scanning them over, a timid smile resting on his cherry lips.

"Yes, we sure are! Lets go boys!"

John chuckled after speaking, resting his hand on George's shoulder as the police guided them into the building.

cliffhanger oops. there you all are! i hope this keeps you all on your feet. i hope this was good too! smooches til next time you guys! enjoy♡♡

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