Chapter Three

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authors note: hi sorry if I break your hearts this chapter! Johns P.O.V is a little longer now. I know this chapter won't be the greatest. But next chapter is when the drama will really start. There will be a Cynthia P.O.V :) so keep a look out!!!

John's P.O.V.

I pulled away from Paul's lips, though i didn't want to, I realized what I had done. But was he kissing back? Didn't matter. I had to leave.

I backed away, afraid, and then just left without another word. I went down to a corner and turned and leaned against the wall. I put a hand over my mouth.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

I heard foot steps coming towards me and a familiar voice.


It was Paul. I had to think up a lie, and fast. A second later Paul turned the same corner and met me, I took my hand off of my mouth and met his eyes.

"John? Wh-what was that?" Paul asked. He didn't seem mad, more confused if anything.

"Was what? Oh, the kiss?" I said calmly. "That was just a prank chap!"

No it wasn't.

When he realized it was a prank which wasn't a prank, the confused look swept off his features.

A look of sadness and disappointment began to pool in his brown-hazel gaze. I looked away, not really wanting to see that look.

"Oh. Okay. " He spoke, I looked back at the other and seen him smile.

But the smile didn't go up all the way to his eyes.

"Yeah. Hah." I chuckled and nodded. I then looked to the door, hearing the other two come back.

"Finally! Food! I'm so hungry! " I heard Paul say, walking over to Ringo and George.
I followed after, a guilt pooling in my stomach.

I hurt Paul, I know I did.

But why was he hurt?

He wasn't queer.. Right?

Paul's POV.

He said it was a prank.

I wish he didn't say that.

I felt my heart just break in my chest. Of course John would never like me. He wasn't and would never be queer.

I was glad when the other two boys got there and we sat down and ate. John wouldn't talk to me though. It was like he didn't wanna know I existed.

I looked down at my food and slowly ate.

But I didn't eat much. I felt too hurt knowing the man I loved didn't love me. That he didn't feel the way I felt for him. It hurt. It really hurt. I felt so shattered. So broken.

I never thought I'd feel that. But oh god, I really did. I sighed and shut my eyes. Putting my food to the side.

"Thanks for the food." I told the other two. They smiled and nodded
"No problem, Paulie." George grinned. I smiled back slightly.

I then got up and walked to my guitar. Picking it up and playing with the cords.

We played a little more until we felt it was perfect. Finally, we all decided we should head back to the hotel we were staying at for this part of the tour. As I was putting on my jacket, I listened to John and George talk. They sounded muffled, but I did my best to make out what they were saying.

"Cynthia will be here tomorrow after the concert." I heard John speak.

After hearing that I stopped listening and felt myself only grow more hurt. Why did she have too come? Now, I didn't hate her. But I hated her with John. She got too have John, and I felt like she rubbed that in too me.

I didn't hate her. But I was jealous of the bird.

I scoffed and finished buttoning my jacket. John and George walked up too me, as well as Ringo.

"Ready to go-?" John asked in a small voice. He probably still felt awkward after.. The kiss.

I nodded and we all walked out, saying bye to George Martin and the others who usually watched us when we practiced.

I wanted to talk to John about the prank but I knew I never really would talk too him about it. I was too scared of how he may find out the truth.

That I was queer for him.

I was queer for John Lennon.

But he would never know. I would end up dying with a strong love for that man that would never be known, never told.

Sadly, that was the truth. The truth I didn't wanna believe. But it was true. That kiss was a prank and I knew it. John wasn't a disgusting queer like me. He wasn't a freak of nature. He was normal. And I envied how he was normal.

I wish I was normal.


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