Chapter Seven

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Authors note: thank you all got baring with me. I'm glad to say I'm gonna try to go back to writing this again. But sad to say that I'm probably gonna write in third person. I hope that doesnt stop you all from reading,,,

also do you guys want some starrison? let me know!


It had been a week since the events of love confessing, fighting and betting money had taken place and everything seemed normal.

Well, For John and Paul at least..

Ringo and George were awake late at night due to...Paul screaming "for john", if you catch my drift.

The two men were hoping Paul would realise he was to loud or John out a muzzle on Paul. Both seemed like merely silly nothings that would not happen.

First of all, curse Paul for screaming like a bird and curse John for enjoying that !

Paul stood up after another long night. Popping his back and letting the noise echo in the bedroom. John was still peacefully sleeping, soft snores leaving his vocals and entering the chilly early night air.

The young lad slipped a shirt on to cover himself and then exited the shared room. He decided to let John rest peacefully for a little more.

When he walked into the kitchen, he looked at the two men who seemed to be awake already, enjoying themselves a warm cup of tea.

Paul's hazel locked with George's annoyed brown.

"Finally up? Where's John?"

Ringo questioned the ebony haired man. Paul smiled softly at the sound of his lovers name, he sat down at one of the empty chairs and nodded.

"John is still resting. George you look tired ! Something keep you up?"

Paul's voice held a subtle innocence. Which wasn't at all not serious. He didn't know why George would've looked or even been tired!

"Yeah. Someone was screaming. You didn't at all hear it?"

George mumbled cooly at the older male. Paul gave him a look of confusion. Before it hit him what he heard. A soft red tint ran up into his cheeks and slowly into his ears. His whole entire face was a dark cheery red.

"I am so sor-"

"That's it. Don't say sorry. We know about you and John! We know you're hot for eachother and we're happy for you both. But.. when you two are mounting eachother could you NOT scream like a bloody bird ?! Lord Paul, you sound like a bloody orpah singer lady!"

George sighed after speaking and inhaled deeply. His brown gaze fixed on a blushing Paul. He sure did look like a bird. No wonder John Lennon the most straight man on earth wanted the black haired male.

"Sorry I shout ! Oh god that's so embarrsssing..I'll-"

"You're just jealous, George."

Johns firm voice filled the air, making all three of the other members jump up.

"Eh? What are you on about Lennon?"

George speaked up in response to the older mans remark.

"You're jealous you can't make Ringo scream as loud as I can Paul!"

John grinned as he spoke, which was followed by heavy laughter as George's face darkened.

"He's right y'know!" Rinyo decided to join in with the joke, which only made everyone laugh harder.

John soon set down, and all four men and got along with their free day before they had to get back to work at the studio. They had decided to have a lazy day but go out for dinner later that night.


Paul and John sat lazily on the couch. Paul's face buried into the calm of Johns touch. Listening to every beat Johns heart made. Counting how many seconds til he heard the second heart beat. The young man smiled at the sound. Hearing the sound of Johns heart beating was the most beautiful noise that would never stop til it was their times. Too bad the boy couldn't see the future..

The Consequences Of LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon