•Wish 4•

184 7 7

=•Stacy's pov•=

The next day at school I was wearing the necklace that has Graser's charm on it.

I felt Happy knowing he's with me.

We just got into school.
We split off then I make my way to my locker

But then I arrive there I see Bee?????
"Hey Stacy. I was wondering where's that boyfriend of yours?" She evilly smirks

"Oh,,, he doesn't go to this school" I tell her as I rub the back of my Neck.

" *Sigh*,hm..... Did he get that for you?" She asks me as she points to the necklace.

"Yes, he did" I say as I glance in another direction.

"It looks so nice" she evilly smiles as she takes a step closer

"Hey! is that your boyfriend over there?" She asks as she points behind me.

I look behind us and see no one.
But when I lool back at Bee I see her with my necklace.....

My eyes grow wide with furry.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT" I say as my voice gets louder and madder,

"Oh but I just did! see ya later" She waves as she spins on her heels and starts to walk away.

I see her put it in her pocket.

I slam my locker open.

She's such a princess

I slam my locker and lock it

Then I stop.
maybe if I request for him he'll come?

"Graser I need you" I say.

I wait about a minute.

Her evilness must be overpowering it.

I grab my books then head to class.

=•Time skip•=

At lunch me and Dylan met up in the art room as that's where we usually eat lunch.

"Hey Stace I think you should see this" He rushed in as he shows me his phone.

It shows me a pick of Bee, with my necklace tight around her neck.

"That little biach" I say under my breath as I move his phone out of my sight.

He slips his phone into his pocket then looks at me.

"so you can't contact him?" Dylan asks as we take a seat at the table closets to the window.

"No I can't, I already tried" I say as my voice drifts away.

"She can't summon him? Right?" He asks.

"I........ I hope not" I tell him as I look out the window and see a big oak tree......

"what do we do? HOw can we get it back" Dylan asks.

"No clue" I sigh

=•Time skip•=

I sat on my bed as I looked out my window and see the gray and rainy world I live in.

That night I couldn't sleep
I woke up covered in sweat, multiple times to the same dream. Be smashing the necklace against the ground and me, losing Graser for ever.
At about 2:30am.

I sat up.

"I can't take this" I said as I wiped away a tear that was rolling down my cheek.

I put on some runners and a hoodie,then left my little house.

I made my way down the dark road that leads to the beach.
The cool and rainy air makes my hair very damp and dark.
I feel it on my shoulders and neck as the rain starts to get heavier.
I then start to run and head under a little bridge and wait for the rain to settle down.

I take a seat on the lightly damp sand under the bridge.

I slip  my phone out of my pocket and play a song
(play song)

"I don't have much to give but I don't care for gold. What use is money when you need someone to hold? Don't have directions im just rolling down this road. Waiting for you to bring me in from out of the cold. You'll never know the endless night, the crying of the rain, or how it feels to fall behind and watch you call his name. Break up and leave everything, don't you see what I can be, can keep this beating heart out of me. Just leave your lover, and come to me" I lightly sing.

Why do I feel the feelings I feel? I just met him and a day without knowing of his were abouts and I feel like I can't live...
Is it love??
The need for someone to hold???

I don't know...

I looked around me.
I was alone, completely alone.

"I wish, for......for....... The feeling of being loved..... By someone...... Someone who needs me as much as I need them..... Someone who I love" I lightly shout at the world.

I sigh.
It went silent


I hear from behind me......

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