•wish 2•

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=•Stacy's POV•=

Just like the the rain all stopped.

"Woah ok that was cool" I smile at him.

"Ya it is" He says proudly.

"So, your a genie?" I ask him.

He nods his head.

"So, now what? do you go back into your bottle" I ask him.

He looks into the sky to think.

"Nope I just stay with you" He tells me as he keeps looking into the sky.

"the stars, they are shinning so bright, its so beautiful" He says in aw.
He slowly bents down and takes a seat on the cool and wet sand.

"They are amazing" I agree as I sit down beside him.

I tilt my head on his shoulder.

"So Stacy are we gonna stay here all night or do you have a place to go" He asks me.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot, come with me" I tell him as we stand up and start to walk in the direction of the house.

I quietly open the door. I run over to my small lamp and turn the knob turning on the light bulb.
If I put my big light on the others will see.

"So I'm guessing you don't have anything to sleep in" I ask him.

he thinks for a moment.

Then he snaps has fingers and


He was in black with red plaid pajama pants and a gray pajama shirt.

" wow" I smile.

"Now turn around I don't want you getting any ideas" I tell him.

He sighs then turns around.

I quickly jump into my light blue pajama pants that have white dog paws on them and my white pajama thank top.

"Here I can sleep on the couch you can take my bed" I tell him.

"Why can't we just sleep in the same bed...... I don't mean it like...... In a dirty way I just mean so no one has to take the couch" He shyly stutters.

"Oh.....um...... Sure I guess" I say as I pull open the covers and slid in.

"Tell anyone about this and you'll have to sleep with one eye open" I threaten him.

"ok,ok geez" He giggles.

He then gets in bed and I lean over and turn off my lamp.

About 2 minutes later.

"You sleeping yet" I quietly ask.

"Nope" he tells me as we look over at each other.

"So..... graser when can I make my next wish" I ask him.

"Ugh does anyone remember the paper? 1 wish for 1 day, so 1 wish a day, got it?" he asks me.

"100% yup" I tell him as he smiles.

=•Time Skip•=

=•Graser's POV•=

I slowly open my eyes to see the hottest girl I've ever seen laying in my arms.

If only we could be together for ever.....

I can hear her breathing, I can feel her heart beating, its soothing.

Soon enough I see her eyes flutter open.

When she tilts her head and see's that shes in my arms she quickly jumps up and out of bed.

"Stacy its ok nothing happened durn the night" I try and calm her down.

"Nothing? So you didn't try and....."

"I swear I didn't try anything on you" I confirm.

she sighs with relief as she falls onto the bed.

"Thank God" she says looking up at me.

=•Stacy's pov•=

So soon enough it was time to head off to school.

Graser put himself into a necklace so he could always be with me

that's kinda cute!!

School was eh, honesty every day is the same.

•get to school

•find locker

•go to class

•find people talking behind my back

•get lunch then eat in the art room with Dylan.

•Go back to locker

•go to class

•something happens that causes me and Dylan to miss the bus

•then we walk home

•go to my room and hang out

the days are almost the same

At the end of the day me and Dylan meet at my locker like always then when i was ready we started on our way to the main doors.

as we open them we see our bus leaving.

Dylan sighs

Ok... I've been waiting for this now time to test it

"I wish our bus waited for us" I say as Graser appears.

Dylan jumps back in fear.

We quickly explained everything to him.

"Ok So Stacy what was that wish again" He asks me.

"For our bus to come back" I tell him.

Graser smiles as he snaps his fingers.

how was that???
Everyone still interested??
I hope so because some drama is gonna start to evolve and its gonna be SO GOOD!!!

Ok well bye guys!!

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