•Wish 3•

211 9 8

=•Stacy's POV •=

in about 2 minutes the bus came back.

The bus driver steps out of the bus as we approach him.

"Sorry kids i must have forgotten you, hop in and i'll drive ya'll home" He says as we walk onto the bus.

The bus soon pulled up to the house and I saw Bee , Straub and some of their friends Mark and Jordan.

I sighed as I looked over at Dylan.
We thanked the bus driver the hopped off the bus.

We slowly made our way up the drive way, I made sure to keep Graser close to me

"Stacy who's that boy?" Bee asks me.

"um....... He's my........ My.......my......" I stated stuttering.

"Her boyfriend, we've been talking late at night for over a year and we finally decided to get together" Graser blurted out.

My eyes grew wide.

The 4 looked at each other and laughed.

"you know her only friend is that gay boy right" Bee laughed.

Dylan looked away with an annoyed glare.

"And that she spends all her nights playing video games in her room" Straub tells him.

"also she's a NERD" Mark shouted.

My eyes felt like they were gonna start tearing up..... Until graser spoke up...

"That's why I love her" He smiles as he grabs me and kisses me...


We let go and looked into each others eyes.

"Ew get a room" Jordan moaned.

I rolled my eyes.

I quickly grabbed Graser's hand and dragged him back into my room with Dylan close behind.

"what the heck was that?" I snap at Graser as I slam my door shut.

"what was I supposed to say? oh I'm a magical genie who grants wishes?" He asks.

"AH I don't know" I sigh as I lay on my bed.

"Ugh now they think we're a thing......" I mean.

Soon after Dylan went home.

It was just me and graser.

I was on my bed playing Minecraft when we came up beside me.

"whats this?" He asks
"it's a game called Minecraft" I tell him.

"'MineCrap?" He asks.

"No Minecraft you dummy" I laugh as I friendly punch his shoulder.

he laughs.

"Your an amazing girl Stacy" He smiles.

"Whats that supposed to mean" I ask him.

=•Graser's POV•=

"your step siblings hate you, you have only one real close friend and you suffer from some light depression.......but you still manage to smile" I smile at her.

Her eyes grow wide and teary.

"H-How do you know all that" She stutters.

I look into her big eyes.

"I can see it in your eyes, the stress about what other people say about you, yet the hope that the day will get better" I tell her.

She smiles to herself.

"Your a warrior who fights for herself and the ones she loves" I tell her as I straiten my posture.

I put my arms on my hips in a Super hero pose.

"Stacy your a one of a kinda girl" I Tell her as she blushes.

we sat in silence for a moment then I heard the sound of keys jiggling in the key slot.

Then the door swings open.

"Stacy's get off your lazy but....... WAIT is that the boyfriend Bee and Straub are telling me about" A lady hisses.

Stacy's eyes grow wide.

"Yes madame, this is Graser" Stacy tells her as she stands up, off of her bed.

"Why am I only hearing of this now?" She asks Stacy.

"Because I only asked her a couple days ago, it was at her favorite park, the one with that big oak tree, her favorite type of tree. We were laying in the shade of the leaves and branches when I cracked the question" I stand up and tell her moth..... Step mother.

"Oh ok..... well get out stacy needs to help me" she tells me as she slams the door closed.

"geez that was.... Intense" I say as Stacy shrugs.

"You heard her get out" Stacy points to the door.

"ok fine" I sigh as I go back into my charm until she summons me again.

I love her...

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