"What was with the microchip? It was like it was.. Fusing to her skin." I was trying to think of ways to buy time.

"Did you like that? It's almost completely fused with her. Once it's completely fused, she'll be permanently under my control. There will be no way to get the old her back. Enough talking, your time to die is now."

Adam nodded at Rose who closed in on me. I panicked trying to find a way out of this situation. Suddenly I had an idea. I recalled hearing that the microchip was just a prototype, that it wasn't perfect. Maybe the microchip had a weakness to water... I could only hope.

Rose advanced on me, ready to push me off the waterfall. I let her get extremely close to me to the point we were almost touching. Right when she was about to send me flying over, I jumped on her. I pushed us both into the river that led to the waterfall. Right before we went sailing over the edge, I hoisted us both out. The moment I was on the bank I turned back into human form. I lay on the river bank panting. The current was very strong and was hard to get out of.

I looked over at Rose, she was lying there unmoving. She had shifted back into human form as well. I reached over towards her and flipped her over onto her stomach. Her neck seemed to be pulsating almost. I didn't even need to cut into her neck. The skin around the microchip had opened up slightly. I reached under her skin and easily pulled out the microchip. I crushed it in my hand and let the pieces fall to the ground. Her eyes were closed but the steady rise and fall of her chest made me worry less.

Suddenly I was thrown to the side. My body went flying over Rose and I hit a tree. It cracked under my weight and I sat up, groaning. I looked over and saw Adam giving me a death glare. His hands were curled into fists and he was growling angrily. In a flash he had run over to my side and kicked me hard in the stomach. I fell onto my back and let out a gasp.

"How DARE you! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING! Now I have to go through the process of breaking her again..." He was furious as he glared at me.

"Breaking her...? How did you even do it the first time?" I murmured. Rose wasn't weak, and I couldn't understand what would break her.

"Funny story actually. We kidnapped your twin brother and killed him in front of her. Tortured him for hours and forced her to watch. She was so defeated afterwards... It was almost laughable." He grinned, cracking his neck.

I hadn't spoken to my brother in many years. We never really got along, so we went our separate ways. I wasn't even sure if I had told Rose about him. I felt a frown form on my face. Even though we weren't close, we were still brothers.

"You bastard. You'll pay for everything you've done." I launched myself at him and we rolled around the ground.

We kept attacking each other, throwing various blows and punches. I seemed to be getting the upper hand and he noticed. I had him right where I wanted him, he was trapped underneath me. In a split second he managed to get out from under me and he started sprinting toward Rose.

She was still unconscious on the ground, looking peaceful. Adam was quickly at her side and roughly yanked her off the ground. She was like a rag-doll in his arms as he wrapped his arm around her throat. Every step I took toward them was another he took to the cliff.

"If you come any closer I will jump and take her with me." Adam threatened, tightening his hold on her.

"Let her go." I growled. Her head was lying to the side, her mouth slightly open.

"Hmm, I don't think so. We're going to trade positions, and you'll be the one at cliff okay?" He stated.

I knew I had to do what he said, so we moved ourselves so now I was the one standing at the edge of the cliff. He placed Rose on the ground behind him and took some steps closer to me. He walked closer and closer until he was just a few feet from me.

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