Summer Eight Midnight Bash

14 3 0

Coby Hunter

We started the midnight bash with a bang!

Mini-water proof speakers were booming Stitches by Shawn Mendes as we all sung along and ate our food

Myke and Hal went swimming with Holly and Kathereen... Tss... flirts with flirts

Rowan was sitting beside Quen on a couch that was put there for us,

Cara and Ryan were side by side on two wooden chairs, talking about philosophy Tss... smart people...

Hailey and Jaye were on the hot tub/ jacuzzi playing with bath bubbles

and, Abby and I were sitting beside each other on two bean bag chairs

Abby stood up and went to the food/buffet to get gelatos on cheesecake and pistachio flavor. She took two 50 oz cups and mini spoons.

"Abby" I called, she then looked at my direction


I gestured her to come over to sit by my side...

"Pistachio gelato?" she offered the cup and gave it to me

"Thanks" I said and chuckled

"I'm so glad everyone's getting along" She said and scooped gelato and ate it

"Yeah... me too" I said and did same to what she did

We talked and laughed the whole night. And I learned a lot about her...

Like how she loves puppies. That she lives in her apartment in Subic... That she loves shoes. And that she's OC which is what we had in common and much more.

I told her facts about me aswell and stories of my stupidity during my childhood.

Like that time when Hal and I got a trip to the principal's office because he passed me a paper that he asked me the answer to the test #2

and that I love cats, music, boots, and Iron Man

We continued chatting, eating italian food, drinking margarita, and laughing at each other the whole night

"Hey, you two unofficial love birds, can you stop laughing, now? We're tired and sleepy!" Hal said, droopy

"Yah, yah... fine." I said in between laughs

I then looked at Abby who is obviously sleepy

"Bie, let's go?" I asked her

"Mmmm, yah. Okay" She answered and yawned

"I'll walk you to your room" I said

"No no no... *yawn* I'm fine" she refused

"No, I will not let you go alone. You're drunk. There are lots of bastards hanging around. Plus, we're neighbors lang. I would go with you one way or another" I insisted

"Fine, fine. Okay, Mr. Over Protective" she jested slash surrendered

A/N; I just wanted to say thank you for reading this book. I was actually thinking twice about doing this and just do a one shot because no one really reads my books but, hey... It's worth a try, isn't it? Plus, silent readers such as myself, be free to be silent except voting. Please, please, be completely honest with yourself and vote this story if you like it. 'Cause even silent readers, such as myself, vote for stories I like... that's all. Thanks again!


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