Summer One(Abigail Belmonte)

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I was in my room... with my beats on... and my mp3 player going on with the song Dangerous Woman by one of my favorite singers, Ariana Grande...

I was reading my The Fault in our Stars copy
I fell inlove with that story since I was 21... I really just love it... then someone buzzed the bell of my apartment. [Yes, I've had it since I was 18 and I would go here from time to time]

I looked at the peep hole to see my mom, Paula Belmonte with my dad Paul Belmonte surrounded with 4 muscled body guards...

"Poppy... Mumsie!" I exclaimed and enveloped them into a tight hug... a few seconds of interval and we let go...

"I've missed you! How was your business trip in Singapore?" I asked

"We missed you to, Abby... the trip was fine. We saw your friend Tiara there..." Mumsie stated

"Really? So, what did she say?" I asked

"She asked about you and how you were..." Mumsie replied

"Oh, so what did you tell her?"

"I told her you were fine..."

"Ugh! I've missed her!"

"Oh, anak... by the way... we will be going on a business trip with you next week. Just remember, when we are on a business trip, call us mama and papa, okay? You are no longer 5." Poppy blurted

"I know poppy... I won't be going. Kathereen asked me to go on a two-month vacation with her, since her parents were also going on a business trip... remember? They are going with you, right?" I asked

"Oh, yes... Kathereen Montiq... her parents Julio and Julia Montiq? Yes, they are going with us... also with the parents of some of your other friends... Rowan's Parents Yana and Wilson Janto, Cara's parents Gaston and Fiona Nastor and Holly's and Hailey's (they're twins) parents Jack and Meg Marino " Mumsie answered


"As I expected... anyways, she video called me yesterday. She is in Bulacan in her rest house, aswell. She told me that tito and tita and the others are goin on a business trip and that they all asked them to go too but they all refused aswell. So the 6 of us had nothing to do. Then Kathereen had this idea of going on a vacation. Just the six of us. All the others are going, so I was wondering if I can, too..." I explained

"Where exactly are you going?" Mumsie asked

"Kathy said we were going to Sunset Beach in California. Can I please be permitted to go?" I asked, being polite

Mumsie and Poppy looked at each other and both released a loud and long sigh...

"Okay... but you have to go with Combo and Samson (my body guards)" Poppy requested

"Aw, what?! Mumsie, Poppy... that's unfair! I'm going on a vacation, not a business trip!!!"

"But you might do something stupid, the press might notice you, anything can happen to you! We can't just leave you alone in California!"

"Okay. Fine."

"When will your flight be?"

"The next two days."

"Okay. Did you tell your PA? We could book your ticket for you..." Mumsie offered. Since I was an only child, I would get anything I want with no buts, but with ifs. I wouldn't say I'm spoiled but, I dunno.

"Mumsie, I already told Bernie... she already got my ticket and visa ready." Bernie is my PA

"How were you so sure we'll agree?" Poppy asked

At The Shores of the Beach  °^Love at First Sight^°Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant