Chapter 7 Missing

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Edward didn't drive us to school today.


My eyes wander during English as I look for Bella's missing boyfriend. The other Cullen's don't seem to be here either.

I try to focus on my Romeo and Juliet essay but my eyes keep wandering to Bella who can't stop glancing at Edward's empty desk.

I can tell she's rethinking everything that happened at the party last night.


Confusion turns to concern when lunch comes around. The Cullen's table is empty. They aren't at school and it's not even sunny.

Jessica, Angela, Eric, and Mike are all joking and laughing while Bella and I stare at the empty table.

"They're probably just freaked after last night," I whisper to Bella. She nods and I give her a half smile.

I don't even believe what I'm saying.

That look on Edwards face last night, the way Rosalie and Alice haven't contacted me since Jasper went crazy...

Bella and I share a worried glance, we both have a sick feeling about this.


We managed to make it through the whole day and very quickly sped home after.

Bella lets it a loud sigh of relief wen she sees Edward standing by our driveway waiting. I don't relax, he doesn't look happy.                                          

"Edward. You're here," Bella remarks and hurries towards him but suddenly stops wen she sees his cold distant expression.

My heart sinks and I gulp thickly. He isn't here with good news.

"Walk with me?" Edward asks and Bella nods. His face is unreadable and his time flat.

"Bella don't," I whisper tersely and grab her arm. "I have a bad feeling." Bella ignores me and let's him take her other hand and lead her away. Dread fills me at the sight of them strolling into the woods.

Suddenly there's a tap on my shoulder making me jump up in surprise. It's Alice and Rosalie.

"You scared me!" I exclaim and hold a hand to my chest. They both wear grim expressions. "Why do you look like that? Why did Edward drag my sister to the woods? Why weren't you at school today? Why haven't you called or texted me back since last night?"

"Reyna we're leaving," Alice blurts out and I freeze.


It takes a moment to register but as soon as my brain connects the dots tears well at my eyes. My two true best friends who I can be who I really am around are leaving. The family that fully welcomed me into their arms, is leaving.

"Wait, why?" I ask shakily. Rosalie bites her lip and looks at the ground.

"Carlisle is supposed to be ten years older than he looks," Alice says.

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