"Don't know, you tell me your the physic one." Elena jokes. I know Caroline is with him but I will let my best friend have him for a while.

"Right, I forgot. Give me a sec, Grams says I have to concentrate." Bonnie says rolling her eyes.

"Wait, you need a crystal ball." I smirk holding my beer bottle up. Bonnie laughs and puts her hand on the bottle. As soon as she puts her hand on the bottle, she gasps and her expression goes blank. I look over at Elena and see she has a confused expression as well.

"What?" Elena asks frowning.

"That was weird. When I touched it I saw a crow." Bonnie says seriously. I hear Elena gasp and see she has a scared expression.

"What?" Elena asks again, clearly frightened. Uh, whats wrong with her?

"A crow. There was fog and a man." Bonnie looks up and sees how freaked out Elena is so she quickly puts on a smile. "It's the drinking, I'm drunk. There's nothing physic about it." Bonnie says pulling the bottle away from Elena. "Ya...okay, I'm gonna go get a refill." Bonnie says quickly hurrying away. I turn to my sister.

"What was that about?" I ask. Elena is about to respond but Stefan is suddenly in front of us. Guess, he escaped Care.

"Hi." he says smiling. I take that as my signal to leave.

"See ya guys." I say waving and quickly fleeing the circle of love around them. I see Jer sitting on a bench alone, getting drunk so I figure why not join him? I walk over to him, taking his beer and gulping it down.

"What are you doing, Aria?" he asks annoyed.

"I'm drinking your beer." I say in a duh tone. He rolls his eyes and looks over to Ty and VIcki who are walking into the woods. Jeremy stands up and starts to follow them. I catch his arm. "Jer leave them alone." I say. He pushes me away.

"How about you leave me alone." Jer growls walking away. I smile and run to catch up to him.

"Since you asked so nicely, how about.....no." I smirk and follow him into the woods. He glares at me and keeps walking.

"No, I said no!" I hear Vicki yell. Jeremy takes off running to her and I follow. "Ow, that hurts!" Vicki yells pushing Tyler away from her when we get to the scene.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Jer yells at Tyler.

"You know your starting to get on my nerves, Gilbert." Tyler states taking a threatening step towards Jer. Vicki runs up and pushes Tyler away.

"Don't Tyler. Get the hell away from me!" Vicki screams, furious.

"Wow, Vicki Donovan says no. That's a first." Tyler glares then walks away. I run and catch up with him leaving Vicki and my brother bonding time.

"Your a real dick. You know that Ty?" I ask sarcastically. He rolls his eyes.

"What are you doing?" he questions. I shrug and link my arm through his.

"Taking a walk with my second best friend, even though he is a total dick." I answer, smiling.

"Second, huh?" Tyler fakes being hurt.

"Yes second. Care is my first." I say. Tyler laughs and playfully pushes me. I push him back and he is pretty drunk so he falls down on his butt. I burst out laughing. "Your a big, tuff athlete and you can't even handle a girl pushing you." I say causing myself to laugh even harder. Tyler scoffs, getting up and wiping his pants off.

"Shut up." he mumbles embarrassed.

"Somebody help!" we hear Elena scream, panicked. Tyler and I look at each other before sprinting towards the sound where her voice came. When we get to it, we see Jer carrying Vicki towards a table underneath the hut. Tyler and I run over along with everyone else. Everyone is crowding around her trying to see what happened.

Tyler pushes some of them back. "Give her some space!" he yells.

"Something bit her she is losing a lot of blood!" Elena says panicked.

"Vicki, come on open your eyes." I say trying to get her to wake up. I look up into the crowd and see Stefan jogging away.

Why is he running away?

Stefan's POV:

"What's going on?" Zach asks as I slam the door shut.

"Someone else was attacked tonight Zach, and it wasn't me who did it." I explain quickly, before running up the stairs towards my room.

As soon as I walk into the room I can tell something is off. Really off. I turn around right as a black crow flies through my open balcony door. I watch as it flies up and land on a piece of wood on the ceiling. I turn around and see the very last person I ever wanted to see.

"Damon." I state cautiously.

"Hello brother." he smirks.

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