Chapter 11: Beautiful Eyes and Beautiful Disasters

Start from the beginning

"It's not you, it's me. You're my favorite member of the team and it's so nice to have a woman on board. Cap and I have very different teaching method. He likes repetition and I like doing stages. The boys seem to gravitate towards him rather than me. It's a testosterone thing," Natasha laughed. "Now get back to training. I actually have an idea. I think you should get to the Gym more often, perhaps do some boxing. It'll build your core strength meaning you have more control over your body and by extension your powers."

"Gym work," Wanda didn't like the idea of the Gym. One of the boys was always inside. "I don't-"

"AVENGER," There was a large shout from the other end of the corridor as Maria Hill smashed the door open so hard it almost fell off its hinges. "Debriefing room! Now!"

"What's going on," Wanda asked. Nat just shrugged and followed the boys to the exit of the training facility. "Training exercise gone wrong?"

"I wouldn't think so, Maria looks pretty shaken up."

The Avengers made their way to the debriefing room where Tony Stark, Nick Fury and Maria Hill was waiting with serious looks on their face. Wanda didn't notice straight away but Pepper was in the corner and she looked pretty shaken up. They all made their way to the front seats where Wanda sat next to Natasha and Sam.

"Thank you all for leaving training. We have some bad news." The silence amongst everyone was tangible, you could cut the air with a knife the atmosphere was that thick.

Nick Fury continued to speap, "Helen Cho was found dead in her research lab in Seoul."

There was an audible gasp from everyone. Pepper had grown close to Helen as they'd worked together several times before she even helped the Avengers. Wanda felt blackness creep into her thoughts. How could Miss. Cho be dead?

Natasha was the first to speak, "What happened?"

"Our guys on the scene confirmed Murder," Pepper started to cry loudly in the corner. Tony sat next to her and hugged her tightly. "She was found with three puncture wounded to the heart and two to the head. I'm afraid I have some pictures and videos of pieces of evidence. If you don't want to see, I suggest you leave."

No one got up, Wanda was in shock as was everyone else. Nick flashed up the first video, it was a ten second loop off the three stab wounds in Helen's chest. They were three inches wide and rather deep. Wanda immediately noticed something odd about the images. Everyone had their heads in their hands. Wanda stood up and walked up to the screen, squinting at the stab wounds.

"Sir, can you zoom in a little more?"

"Sure." Everyone was looking at Wanda with vacant expressions. Wanda saw it then.

"Of course," Vision said as he stood up. He floated next to Wanda.

"These are not ordinary stab wounds. Look at the flesh around the edges, it's singed, melted. This wasn't done with knives. This is a magical wound," Wanda said excitedly. Even though it was horrific what had happened to Helen Cho. A lot of people would've missed this small detail, meaning they're already a step ahead in catching the culprit.

"People who have studied witchcraft over the years have been known to fashion weapons out of the energy around them. As you all know I can control the energy around me to fly or to shoot balls of energy to get rid of my opponents. Some very powerful witches are able to fashion swords made completely of energy and use them."

"That would explain the fact there was no blood to these wounds," Nick nodded.

"How do we know it wasn't just an ordinary blade heated up? Those things singe the skin and there is never any blood left afterwards," Sam questioned.

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