Chapter 11: Beautiful Eyes and Beautiful Disasters

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"You're thoughts are so much more calming than anyone I've ever met," Wanda said as her fellow teammates looked at her and Vision. They had been talking-more like flirting non stop since they came down for breakfast that morning.

"It's just so-" She paused and blinked as Vision was thinking of an unexpected image. "Are you thinking about my eyes?"

"Yes, they're very fascinating," Vision said causing Rhodey to spit out his juice. Which gave him multiple looks of 'just don't'.

"When you use your powers they turn red, it's rather odd."

"Your eyes look like Tony Stark's Arc reactors," Wanda said without any filter even thinking. Steve, Nat, Rhodey and Sam were all just staring at the two of them. "I swear I can see little electrical wires in them sometimes too."

"I believe the previous me had something to do with the Arc Reactors, so maybe that is why they look like that," Vision "Your eyes seem to be changing constantly, they're quite beautiful."

"I- you think I have beautiful eyes," Wanda was stunned.

"Beautiful means 'to please the senses or mind aesthetically'. So yes I would say so, the way the can change to red quickly, the way they seem to convey so much emotion. Although I cannot appreciate this fully as I am an android, I have noticed them to be very different from other people's eyes."And with that Wanda was completely stunned.

"Err... is it training time yet," Wanda said shakily as she got up from her seat and rushed off.

"Did I say something wrong," Vision asks worriedly looking at the team.

"Not a damn thing," Natasha smiled.


"What happened with you this morning," Natasha asked Wanda when training started.Visions was whizzing around the place and Falcon just behind him. Rhodey's uniform was experiencing some malfunctions so he was side-lined. Wanda was keeping her head down and concentrated on manipulating the energy field around her just so she could even float for a few seconds off the floor. Natasha had called break for 15 minutes just so she could interrogate Wanda about her behaviour in the canteen.

"What was what," Wanda said pretending to not know or care what she was asking about.

"You're mini freak out at breakfast," Natasha whispered excitedly. "I mean Vision was quite confused bless him. Though he'd done something wrong."

"He did nothing wrong - I just - I mean for so long it was Pietro and I. I've never had anyone say nice things about me that wasn't my brother. I mean it's just hard to accept compliments. I get all embarrassed and panicked. I've never spoken to any man in an as relaxed manner as this morning. Before you raided Hydra's base in Sokovia I'd never talked to anyone but my brother."

"Oh I see. Well you need to learn to start taking compliments, Wanda. Own them, embrace them. In fact I'd be damn annoyed if you wasn't getting compliments."

Wanda felt better, Natasha somehow knew how to say the right things.

Sam had overheard the conversation,"If you want Wanda, I can give you compliments as often as you want," Sam smiled a cheeky grin which made Natasha roll her eyes. "Nice levitation you got going on there."

"I'll Levitate you to space if you don't stop creeping," Wanda muttered so only Natasha heard.

"Nat, why does Captain Rogers spend so much time in training with Sam and Rhodey but not enough with me? I mean I do prefer to learn independently and you're always so helpful. But I sometimes get the feeling he's uncomfortable around me."

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