New Job (Part 2)

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Hi people, sorry my last chapter was a bit slow. A lot has gone on in the past week so it's a bit of a blow. Anyway, the last chapter introduced a party surrounding Dean, Sam, Castiel and Millie with a vampire case. I showed you all that Millie hates dresses and being girlie isn't her thing. It was a long chapter that seemed to go on and on and on, it's like "GET TO THE POINT!" 😂 anyhow. Hopefully this chapter will spill a little light on the situation haha, enjoy! 🎉 Oh and thanks to RobJob216 for ideas 🎈
I'm on Season 4 now 🎉

-Chapter 4-

Millie and the boys arrived at the party in their own cars, Millie's cherry red Toyota parked right next to the Impala, the boys got out of their car first and stood next to it so Millie could walk in with them, once Millie opened the door, stepping out and held a gaze with the eldest brother, Sam cleared his throat,

"Shall we go in then?" Sam asked the pair once Millie came over, her hair curled lightly as it fell over her shoulders, her make-up done, over her eyelids and lips, her locket hun down from her neck.

"Yeah let's go, it's a bit chilly out here" Millie laughed as a reply as she shivered a little, she wrapped her arm through Dean's arm first then Sam's and began to walk towards the door of the immaculate mansion, the party under full swing.

"We have to make people smile don't we? So we can see their gums on the top row right?" Millie asked as she looked at the Winchester brothers. The boys nodded as Millie moved her arm from Sam's and linked her both her arms round Dean's, the older brother slowly drifted his eyes to hers in a questioning manner as she smiled up at him with the "go along with it" look written on her face.

Dean shrugged and continued walking into the party with Sam trailing behind, his eyes wondering the room for anyone (or anything) suspicious along with Millie's bag, the young Winchester kept thinking about the way she'd turned her back as she slipped something into it as they were leaving which left him confused and worried in a way, but he knew he could trust her.

"Excuse me?" A young red haired girl asked as she tapped on Millie's shoulder.

"Yes? What's wrong?" Millie asked as she turned to face her, her grey eyes met a pair of light brown ones as she looked at the female who's tapped her.

"I love your dress, where'd you get it?" The young woman asked as she eyed Millie's dress up and down.

"My boyfriend bought it for me, didn't you sweetie?" The electric blue haired girl asked as she squeezed Dean's arm lightly, grabbing his attention.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I knew it would look great on her but she insisted it wouldn't so I proved her wrong" Dean laughed as he looked down at the women infront of him.

The red haired girl laughed, as she did so, Millie scanned her gums for signs of fangs and wasn't in any luck. The young girl thanked the pair and left towards the group of girls she had arrived with.

"Dean" Sam nudged as he came closer to his brother.

"Yeah?" He replied as he looked at him, Sam's face was serious, a single crease in his forehead which implied he'd found something they should see.

"You have to check this out" Sam said as he started walking towards the corner of the party where it was quieter-ish.

As the trio reached the corner, Sam looked at them, looked round to see if anyone was watching then leaned in.

"So, according to the security, there's a guy who's been taking girls out for the past 20 minutes, he's already taken two and come back in again, there's no rule against it, it's just a little suspicious, I think he's the guy we're looking for." Sam informed the pair.

Hunting at it's Finest with Sam, Dean and Cas. (Supernatural)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu