Awkward Encounter, New Job.

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Dedications to my two bestfriends who helped me with the ideas ❤️
And RobJob216
I also forgot that Millie hasn't met Cas yet but the last time she saw Dean he said he'd met a friend called Cas.

(Same outfits!)

-Chapter 2-

-back at the garage with Millie and Dean-

-Normal Pov-

Dean leaned back in the washed leather seats of Millie's Toyota whilst the sky blue haired girl was sorting out the bill for the gas can and some food, possibly directions to the nearest motel.

His apple green eyes wondered along as the girl he was waiting for returned, with a bag in hand along with a canister of gasoline, her hips swayed slightly as she walked back to the car.

"Hey, here you go" Millie said as she handed Dean a chilled can of soda. Whilst she placed the rest of the items on the backseat.

"So what you really doing in town? On a real job or just to see another girl?" Millie asked reluctantly as she started the car up, Dean tugged on his lip slightly as he pried his brain to come up with an excuse as to why he was in town without telling her the truth.

"Uh, I came to go get some gas and then leave, what are you doing here?" He lied very quickly and almost believable. The mid 20 year old glanced towards the male and rolled her eyes,

"Dude. I will bitch slap you so hard right now if you don't tell me the truth right now Dean Winchester" she snapped as she slipped another cassette into the worn player, AC/DC started playing quietly in the background of their conversation.

Apple green eyes met sky blue washed ones, only for a second though, in the fraction of the seconds spared between the pair it wouldn't go un-noticed by either of them, Millie sighed and turned her eyes to the road.

"You're on a hunting job aren't you? I know you Dean, you can't lie to me like you used to" her voice quiet, making the male surprised that she'd managed to work out his lie, his fingers skimmed the volume toggle slightly as the volume raised trying to cover up the awkward silence between the pair.

Millie started her car and stepped onto the gas, the car span round and back towards Sam with baby.

After about a 10 minute drive a blue a cherry red car pulled up behind the Impala. Swinging the door open, it revealed a tired looking Sam. His grey eyes dim from the blistering sunlight, as his brother joined him with the gasoline canister.

"We'd better see if we can get a motel for tonight, there's one a about a 20 minute drive up past the has station." Dean piped up after he filled the tank with the fuel, he dumped the canister into the boot and glancing at Sam, his brother replied his look with a nod and turned to Millie.

"You coming? You might as well have a drink with us? Or whatever" he offered, the female laughed and got into her own car,

"I'll race you losers there" she replied starting her engine, the hum emerged from the body as it sprang into life with the simple twist of the keys. The blue haired girl laughed as she took off down the highway.

-When the brothers reach the motel-

Millie's car stood in the middle of the ghostlike parking lot, as the boys parked next to her they noticed a light on in one of the rooms.

"Dean, we don't have enough for one of the rooms here, we'll have to sleep here" Sam mumbled whilst turning to his brother,

"I'll work something out, but right now I need a shower." Dean replied whilst getting out of the car with his duffle bag, his washed biker boots hit the stone gravel, as it crunched below him as he walked towards the reception. Opening the doors he slouched to the counter and dropped the duffle bag in his hands to the brown carpeted floor.

Hunting at it's Finest with Sam, Dean and Cas. (Supernatural)Where stories live. Discover now