Chapter Three

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Emily P.O.V.

For a week now, Lance had been asking me to take a walk with him, when I got off work in the evening. For a week, I'd been turning him down. Finally, I'd decided to give in and was on my way to meet him now. I wasn't sure why I'd given in. I knew that Lance was probably just looking for a summer fling, but I think I was so desperate to do anything besides work and hang out at home, that I'd caved. It was Saturday night, so I knew the lake would still be busy, even though the sun would set soon. I had the day off tomorrow, because Paula liked to pretend she was a religious person and, therefore, couldn't work on Sundays.

I'd seen Matt every day all week as well and he hadn't asked me out once. Was it wrong of me to wish he had? I didn't know his back story, but could guess that it had been rough for him. I wanted to know everything about him, but I doubted I ever would. He hadn't given me any hint that he might be interested in me, the way that I was interested in him. He was polite when he came into the bakery, but he wasn't overly friendly. At least I had managed to not spill anything on him or stare uncomfortably since that first day.

"There you are. I was beginning to think you were going to stand me up." Lance suddenly appeared in front of me. He picked me and twirled me around, with a mischievous grin on his face.

As he started to lower his face toward mine, I wiggled free and laughed nervously, "It took me longer to clean up tonight than anticipated. So what do you want to do?"

Lance wiggled his eyebrows, "Well, I know that my first choice of evening activity would just scare you away, especially since you won't even let me kiss you, so let's go to the dance they're having at the marina."

I didn't want to go to a marina dance. There would be people there I knew and annoying ex-classmates who liked to make fun of me for working at the bakery, but I definitely didn't want to do Lance's first choice either. I blushed at the thought.  So I found myself agreeing, "A dance sounds great."

Lance took my hand, as we walked, and I wanted to pull it free, but I didn't want to make him angry. I'd already rebuffed a kiss tonight. What would he do if I tore my hand free from his? I didn't know him well enough to know. I knew agreeing to come out with him tonight was a mistake, but it was too late to do anything about it now, as we'd arrived at the dance. I saw several people I knew and they were giving me and Lance odd looks. They were probably wondering who he was and why he was with me. While Lance was pretty full of himself, he was easy on the eyes. I felt plain next to him.

"Hey, Emily, how are you?" Chastity Phillips suddenly appeared and was smiling at me. I narrowed my eyes at her. Chastity had been the head cheerleader every year since cheerleading existed. She was blond, had big boobs, and a tiny waist that made me wonder if she ever ate. She kind of reminded me of Barbie. The original anorexic looking Barbie's, not the new more accurately portioned Barbie's.

Chastity Phillips didn't smile at me, so what the hell was going on? As soon as the question floated through my mind, I knew the answer. She wanted me to introduce her to Lance. Considering I'd arrived with him, I should feel some kind of possessiveness toward him, right? I didn't and the fact that I didn't reinforced that coming out with him tonight had been a mistake. So I returned Chastity's smile and said, "Hey Chasity. This is Lance Hawking. Lance this is one of my classmates, Chastity Phillips."

"Hello." Lance said, smiling at Chastity.

"You don't mind if I steal your friend for a dance, do you, Emily?" Chastity purred.

"Nope. We're here to have fun, right?  Go dance." I waved Lance away, who only gave a half protest. I shook my head and turned back toward the exit. I was going home. I didn't want to be here and I doubted that Lance would even notice my absence, now that Chastity had her claws in him.

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