Chapter 6 Art Show Day part. 3

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I notice Anastasia looking down to her feet, I take a few moments to wonder what she's thinking in that pretty little head of hers, however I do not like it when she's quiet for too long, so I try and make conversation again.

"Your friend here seems more of a landscape man, not portraits. Let's look around."

I hold out my hand for her to take it, in which she does. I like being hand in hand with Miss Steele. As Anastasia and I walk around, people began pointing and looking at her. This irritates me, them ogling at her like she's a diamond. She's mine.

We turn at a corner and I can start to feel Anastasia getting tense, I look over to the wall just to see that it's covered with pictures of Anastasia. Did the boy get her consent? Did he bother to fucking ask? The last thing I want is strangers having pictures of Ana as their possession, for she is not THEIR possession.

"Seems I'm not the only one,"

I need to buy these. All of them. I do not care how much they will all cost, they need to be mine.

I head towards the reception desk and stand at the counter, waiting to be acquainted.

"Hello. How may I help you?"

"I want to purchase all of those, along the wall, every single one."

"Oh..," She looks at me with a puzzled expression on her face, but before she can decline, I've already pulled out my credit card.

"How much?"

"Um, that will be $36,000, sir."

I put in my pin, retrieve my card and head back, a man is speaking to Anastasia. Clearly about the photographs. I grab Anastasia's elbow and glare at the man. He tells me I'm a lucky guy , however I can here the sarcasm in his voice.

"That I am," I pull Anastasia towards me as I say so.

"Did you just buy one of these?"

I can see by the expression on her face that she's uncomfortable, much to my surprise.

"One of these?"

"You bought more than one?"

Oh baby, I bought them all.

"I bought them all, Anastasia. I don't want some stranger ogling you in the privacy of their home."

"You'd rather it was you?"

I take a moment to process what she has said, the truth is, yes, I would. Even if this whole thing doesn't work out. However, why would I need to when I have her in person?

You're a sick pervert, Christian. That's why.

"Frankly, yes."


Huh, she said what my head was thinking. Not good.

I notice her biting her lip and I can't help but not feel aroused when she does that, I've told her countless times not to. Such a tease, the majority of the time it's frustrating. Sexually frustrating.

"Can't argue with that assessment, Anastasia."

"I'd discuss it further with you, but I've signed an NDA."

Her fucking smart mouth, I can't handle her sometimes. Although bringing that up at such a public event, I want to spank the shit out of her too. And not for sexual satisfaction either.

"What I'd like to do to your smart mouth,"

I notice the color drain from her face. Oh well, you asked for it Miss Steele.

"You're very rude."

I find her amusing. I gaze around the room and the photographs of Anastasia catch my glance, which makes me frown. I've never seen her that happy with me, with the exception of Gliding. As much as I want to deny it and exclude these feelings and thoughts, I want her happy with me. I want to see that smile. I want things my way, who doesn't?

"You look very relaxed in these photographs, Anastasia. I don't see you like that very often."

She looks up at me but then looks down. She tries to loosen her grip on my hand but I fight against it. With my other hand, I tilt her head back up to look at me.

"I want you that relaxed with me,"

She immediately changes her facial expression and I instantly know she's going to come back with some smartass comment.

"You have to stop intimidating me if you want that,"

Fighting fire with fire, Miss Steele.

"You have to learn to communicate and tell me how you feel,"

I'm not backing down with this one, I don't believe that I am the one in the wrong.

"Christian, you wanted me as a submissive. That's where the problem lies. It's in the definition of a submissive- you e-mailed it to me once."

I notice her pause- I was about to tell her the synonyms before she quickly cut in.

"I think the synonyms were, and I quote, 'compliant, pliant, amenable, passive, tractable, resigned, patient, docile, tame, subdued.' I wasn't supposed to look at you. Not talk to you unless you gave me permission to do so. What do you expect?"

I do not understand her, as in the beginning when she first tried it, she knew what she was getting into yet the kept going. Went on the ride knowing it wasn't 100% safe, Swam on the deep side even though she could drown. I frown at her as I think of this, but hold my tongue as she was about to continue speaking.

"It's very confusing being with you. You don't want me to defy you, but then you like my 'smart mouth.' You want obedience, except when you don't, so you can punish me. I just don't know which way is up when I'm with you."

I stare at her for a moment, not really knowing what to say in return as anything I say will more than likely add fuel to the fire.

"Good point well made, as usual, Miss Steele. Come, let's go eat."

"We've only been here for half an hour."

I turn around to face her again, is she seriously about to argue with me?

"You've seen the photos; you've spoken to the boy."

"His name is Jose."

"You've spoken to Jose- the man who, the last time I met him, was trying to push his tongue into your reluctant mouth while you were drunk and sick,"

Point for you, Christian. I have never liked Jose, nor will I ever.

"He's never hit me,"

This brings back horrible memories for me, something I wish I could not only forget, but take back. How dare she bring up that matter at this time and place? I know it was wrong, I don't need to be reminded. I get enough backlash from the voices in my head.

"That's a low blow, Anastasia,"

I can see that she feels bad, but that's not enough for me right now. I do not pity her whatsoever. I'm furious, and as much as I want to let it be known, I control myself.

"I'm taking you for something to eat. You're fading away in front of me. Find the boy, say good-bye."

"Please, can we stay longer?"

"No. Go. Now. Say good-bye."

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