Chapter 2 part. 2

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I couldn't sleep at all last night. And to top that off, I had those childhood memories again. When will that end? I didn't have the nightmares when I slept with Ana. 

oh, don't be so absurd Christian. She will never take you back, not after what you put the innocent runt through. Don't pull her through your fucked up life-style, you already messed up the other girls.

Shut fuck up. We'll see what she wants once I have the discussion with her. How long I'll do the vanilla shit for.. I suppose the only person who can screw up in this is me. Anyway, I'm famished.

"Mrs. Jones."

"..Mrs Jones?"


"Sorry sir! there was an issues with Taylor. Is everything alright?"  

"Make me some French Toast with eggs on the side and bacon."

"Yes, sir."

aren't you going to ask what's wrong with Taylor? such a heartless prick.

"Mrs Jones."

Mrs Jones peeked around the corner of the door with a worried look on her face, she slowly walked into the room and pulled out a chair by Christian's desk.

"Mr. Grey, you did not answer my question. Is everything alright? If it's personal, I comp-"

"Don't worry about it, just get what I asked for. You should know that I despise having this empty feeling in my stomach. "

"Okay, yes sir."

What's it to her? I didn't hire her to shoot questions about my personal life up my ass. I'll ask Taylor myself, I have a meeting to attend in 20. 



I have this lunch to attend with Elena, I'd fake my death to get out of this right now. 

I arrive outside of the place, which honestly looks like a dump. Why did she pick it to be here? Disgusting.

Once Christian walks in, he spots Elena out instantly. Window seat as always, right at the back of the restaurant. This is a common occurrence because of the things they usually discuss. Elena is wearing a baby blue dress with her blonde bob in a pigtail, wearing flats as shoes. She always aimed to look her best. 

"Christian! It's been so long."


Elena glares at Christian and gives his face a soft slap. Christian stands back and looks at Elena with a confused expression being left on his face.


"Where is Christian and what have you done with him?"

Elena lets out a short chuckle and sits down, leaving Christian bewildered. Aside from that, he takes a seat across from Elena.

"So, what's been going on in that little hard head of yours?" 

"Pun intended?" 

They both look at each other and can't help but laugh.

"Should've thought that one through."

"Indeed you should have."

Elena takes a bottle out of her bag and has some of her.. what is that, green shit?

"Diet month. Need to stay in shape for what I have planned."

"That's still a thing? He hasn't ran for the hills yet?"

Elena looks down at her knotted fingers in her lap and sighs, bothered by Christian's question but glad she can finally discuss it with someone her own age...

"Sorry, didn't know that was a hard limit."

"No, no. It's fine. He's acting a little... strange. Yes, I'll use strange."

"How so?"

"He's less obedient and willing than the others. Certainly is not a turn on and I don't find it attractive AT ALL. I cannot express that enough. I'm uncertain about how much longer it'll be till I give him the boot."

"I see."

"Christian." Elena just about whispers.


"If she couldn't handle you at your worst, what makes you think she wants to continue your little gig?"

Christian takes a sip of his wine and pumps his fist. Why does this make me so angry?

"I don't think she does, I'm hoping she does. Not once did I get into this with her and think that she'd actually stay."

"So why is this different than the others? You aren't seriously going to waste your time on some inexperienced shrewd, are you?"

"What makes you think your opinion matters to me? You don't know a single thing about relationships. I'm old enough to make my own decisions," I cannot believe this woman is trying to sway my decision, of all people.

Elena's jaw drops from Christians harsh words, she grabs her bag and stands up.

"Do whatever you like, nothing I say will stop you from being the same Christian I've had the privilege of knowing for many years. Chase the girl, but if you get hurt, please don't contact me about it."




I will take Anastasia out to dinner, set the mood and then lay it out on her. I know how she can be with questions and what not and her 'friends' art show is not the place to be doing something so personal.

if she uses her smart mouth, what are you going to do? twitch your palm? leave? tell her you've changed your mind and you now prefer dick? spank her? like you can hold back. Don't even bother, hot-head.

I  can't spank her.. not yet anyway. In the mood I'm in, the last thing she wants to do is piss me off. Seeing her friend who tried to stick his tongue down her throat is already enough to tip me over the edge, I will escort her out if she pulls anything on me. 

If she doesn't want this anymore, I'll leave. I'm not 5 years old, this isn't some pathetic middle school crush. This is serious, does she understand that? I'm not going to give her lovey-dovey shit if she won't step up and speak to me like the adult she is and be honest with me. As much as it would hurt me to leave, I can't force her into a relationship with me. You cannot force someone to see things the same way you do. 


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