Chapter Thirteen - Miss Them

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My eyes opened instantly and I realised that was a mistake. Light infiltrated my irises, stinging the receptors. My head felt as if it had been struck with a sledgehammer. Instantly my eyes were closed again.

Using my hands I felt around. I was on a bed. I had been in the kitchen before. I opened my eyes slightly before they shut again. I was in my room. In my home.

What was the last thing that had happened? Jason walked me home, we kissed and then...

I remembered the visions with clarity. Kora had foreseen my death, my parents had brought me back. They had paid for my life with their own.

I tried to sit up, panic over taking me. Images and words raced across my conscious mind, begging, pleading, screaming for attention. Twilight walker. You do not belong here. Give her a life and she will repay us. I should have been dead.

I left my room, not caring for my hair or clothes. I reached the kitchen before I knew I was walking quickly. I nearly ran head first into my brother.

"Woah, Rin," Kael said with a laugh. "Slow down. What's the rush?"

I looked at my big brother and it was all I could do to not cry. I'm sorry Kael. So sorry.

"I was meant to meet up with Angela and Mikayla today," I said with my best smile.

"Are you sure?" he said, appearing concerned. "Your friend – Jason, right? He said you fainted yesterday. Are you feeling okay?"

"I feel fine," I hoped I sounded more certain than I felt. "I think I was just really tired."

He didn't look convinced but ultimately he was my brother not my father. He wouldn't stop me.

"Okay but call me if you need to come home."

"I will."

I started to walk to the front door but stopped halfway and turned back. I had one last thing to do.

I hurried to Kael and wrapped my arms around my brother's shoulders tightly. I hugged him as hard as I could and squeezed my eyes shut. I wanted to remember this.

"I love you," I said quietly before I walked out the door.

"By the way, Rin," Kael called after me. "Happy birthday!"

Panic built in my chest as I walked, constricting, making it harder to breathe. Before I knew it I was running and then sprinting. I moved fast into the alleyway that I had opened a portal in a few days ago. This time I had no coin.

"Morrigan," I said. "Morrigan!" I called louder. "I need to talk to you. Please."

I felt unsteady and tried to grab the fence that had been beside me. My hand found nothing but then I felt the cool sensation of stone against my palm. My eyes adjusted to the harsh light of the torches. They registered midnight black hair in long, silky curls and a red sash against a black lacy dress.

"Korina," Morrigan said sweetly, regarding me with colourless eyes. "Please do not expect this to become a usual occurrence but you asked to see me so nicely. What is it you require, witch?"

I struggled to find words to ask what I needed to. So many things did not make sense. So many questions filled my mind. Where to begin?

"I died in that car crash."

My voice sounded far away and the statement resembled a question. Morrigan appeared uncertain for a moment.

"I warned my brother," Morrigan sighed. "The Prince of the Lost restored your lost memories. Yes, you did perish. After a week in the hospital your heart stopped beating."

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