Who is he?

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I was eating breakfast before my best friend comes through the door but it might take longer then usual because she puts make-up on, I was getting annoyed because my mum forced me to wear a dress for school, I didn't mind because I always find a way to dirty it and wear my sport uniform, I was forced out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door so I got up from the table and answered the door and laughing at how I scare my friend, "oh my god Kiara you scared are the shit out of me!" She says to me while putting her hand on her chest, I just rolled my eyes and kept walking to the kitchen. "Sorry Jaymi I didn't finish my breakfast, I was trying to find my stupid dress" I just rolled my eyes and kept eating my toast with Nutella on it I knew Jaymi was jealous, "Jaymi I can cook you up some you know, well if you want some?" I started to walk over to the cupboard for the bread and I heard her say "yes please, oh it's gonna be super cold today so if I were you I would wear a jumper or something" she started to sit down on the table and I just laughed at what she said, after she just rolled her eyes.
"Jay you know I don't use that jumper unless I really need to, and here is your toast" as soon as I put the plate in front of her she just starts stuffing her face and she had a nutella face I started to laugh then she asked me "are you still dating Ben?" Okay I know what your thinking Kiara you dating? Well I guess so,
"Yeah, but I don't think I want to anymore" I knew I didn't want to date anyone after the break up,
"Well how do I know if your not going back to him again?" I understand where she's coming from so I just sighed and looked at the time, I got Jaymis plate off her and put it in the kitchen sink and we left my house to school we were left in silence for a while.
"So you going to break up with him?" I knew she was going to say that so I sighed again and took a deep breath " yeah hopefully I stick with it this time, oh that reminds me how are you and Brandon?" I knew she really liked him he was alright guy but almost all the guys in that our level had abs and I took a guy that played down ball and plays football, I rolled my eyes at the thought, " I still think he is cute but since we don't really leave the place we always sit there's nothing we really talk about" see as she said that one of our friends rode past us we waved at her and she did the same.
" do you think Chloe will ever find someone?" Jaymi asked me with a questioning look on her face, she looks like a girly girl with her blonde hair out and since she dyed the ends of her blonde hair purple and blue and she wasn't as pale as me I didn't get out much I was having fun with friends at there house or mine but never really outside, plus I used to play netball but usually it was at night, I don't play it anymore.
"So how's Kelly and the others?" I was shocked by how she asked me like that but I didn't care, "Well it's been okay but not the best but yeah, hey you should come to the oval at lunch and snack to kick the football around, but I have feeling you will say no" I rolled my eyes because I knew I shouldn't have asked her in the first place, " Nah sorry, I'm going to play minecraft and make people die on it" she laughed to herself a little " God you never get off the shit of a iPad do you?" I say but before she could answer I say " Sorry not trying to be mean, oh look we are nearly at school" I try to change the subject as quick as I could before we started to fight.
We arrived at school and I saw someone new near the lockers and he was next to mine and I knew he must be new because I never noticed him before.
" Hey" I turned around to that boy to make sure he wasn't talking to me but sadly he was, so I rolled my eyes and turned back around and kept walking with Jaymi, I felt sad that she wasn't in the same class and she was going to an all girls school next year so I tried to make the last of her as much as I could.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see who it was before I kicked them or punched them, but before I knew it, I was pushed to the side so I didn't get hit by the ball coming towards my head, so I got the ball and kicked it and didn't realise where it went but I kicked it far.
"Are you okay?" I heard a voice come from behind me and it was that boy again, "yeah thanks, I'm Kiara and you are?" I put out my hand in front of him for a hand shake " I'm Dean and it's nice to meet you Kiara, I'll be seeing you in class!" He started to run to his friends near the lockers getting out a football I realised I still had my bag on my back so I had to go to the locker to put my bag away.
"Kiara you acting like you didn't know him!?" I heard Jaymi hit me and whisper yelled at me, I rubbed my head and gave her a glare, " I don't know who he is god woman you hit hard for a iPad nerd!" After I said that she hit me in the arm so I returned the same hit she did for me as soon as I did the bell went so that means I have to go to my home room and meet the devil himself.
"Hey Kelly, Felicity, Chloe,Liam" yeah I had at least four or more friends in my home room and I smiled because they started talking about how I was just wearing a dress and no jumper to keep me warm, I didn't mind the cold.
"Hey Kelly who is Dean? Apparently he is in our class" I asked Kelly since she was paying attention to what I was saying, we were still standing outside in the cold, " What do you mean who is Dean? He is the bad boy in our class!" She basically knew everyone in our class but she couldn't really date anyone because she is already dating someone but I still didn't know who this Dean guy is.
"That's probably why he hasn't been in class because he always gets into trouble so then I don't see him a lot" I say as the teacher comes out from the inside of the warm class room, it was so warm it's sent goosebumps down my spine.
"Alright, group 1 has English and group 2 has maths now move inside before the cold does!" The teacher yelled so everyone could hear him so we all go inside.
"Kiara?" I hears Liam's voice come from behind me so I turned around "yes Liam?" I say in my nicest voice because this kid gets scared easily " can I come to your house after school?" He asks me, we were just friends but he is a great friend so I couldn't really say no to him so I texted my mum asking if he can stay for dinner
>hey mum can Liam stay for dinner and that kinda stuff?
<Yes Kiara, Liam can stay for dinner and stuff
>Thanks mum, I'll text you when school finishes and dad come pick us up
>Bye mum
I turned to face Liam " it's a yes and my dad will pick us up" he nodded and walk to his side because he had English and I had stupid maths.
The first two hours are gone and now it's snack and I feel my belly rumbling like crazy and that's when I saw Dean looking at me so I gave him a look saying 'What?' And I keep walking outside to put my stuff away and get my food, I could smell my food and just as I was about to take a bite Dean jumped in front of me and knocked my chips out of my hand and I looked at my chips and looked at him, "what the hell was that for!?" I say giving him a glare and he just smirked at me and just stood there like an idiot, " You are gonna get me more chips you asshole!" I don't think he will, but sure as hell he wasn't acting like a bad boy at least I don't think because I haven't noticed it yet.
"KIARA HURRY UP!!" I heard Kelly yell at me from the oval where they were going to kick the football around into the goals so I looked at Dean and gave him a death glare and I started running and I found a puddle and jumped init forgetting that I had a dress on the water went up my legs and I was wet and I didn't see the teacher so I had to go to the time out room where I found that Dean kid in there and he glared at me and Smirked and turn to face one of his friends and they made faces at each other and laughed and the teacher stood in front of me and said " your a girl not a boy and your wearing a dress why would you jump in the puddle!?" The teacher that stood in front of me was a girl teacher and I was the only girl student in the time out room until I see my friends waving at me though the window and I smirked and the teacher spoke again" why would you jump in the puddle in the first place it's a cold day?" She just rolled her eyes and got a chair and pulled it to my table and was about to say something until I cut her off "Sorry miss I had to jump in that puddle because it was fun and I don't care if I'm a girl or not this school is sexist and its bullshit" before I realised what I just said she ended up saying "okay you are coming to time out at lunch time too since you swore" and she just stood up and left the room for a bit and I was left with a room full of boys in the time out room and I was embarrassed and felt like I was going to die without fun or my music.
The bell rang and I ran straight out before the teacher dismissed us I knew she was gonna give me another time out, but time out is for toddlers god I hate this school.
This is a photo of Jaymi and I hope you are enjoying the book so far and if you feel like it you can give ideas anything but mean comments or rude and dirty minded things so enjoy the book and the photo!

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