Chapter Two

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      ...zzt...zzzzzt...beep! "...s...s...r? Si..?!!" CRASH. "Sir? Sir, can you hear me? I've been trying to reach you for hours, where have you been!?"
      "...Ilussie, please, I just had my ears blown out by your yelling... gentle..."
      "Ah, forgive me, sir! Didn't mean for it to be that loud. Anyways, did you find Serene Village well enough? I question why you didn't take Cory or Lizz with you... or maybe even Sarah! They all have a better sense of direction than you, Sir..."
      "Such harsh words from you, Ilussie... forgive me for not requesting anyone to join me. However, I fear this is something I have to do alone." There was a squeak of surprise and worry from the speaker of the device, making the yellow figure jump slightly.
      "What do you mean alone!? Sir, you can hardly even walk North if you had a compass with you-!"
      "...yes, Sir?" The Pokémon shifted slightly, a frown etching on his face. "Do not send anyone after me. This is something I must do alone, and I would rather not have any of my comrades becoming part of my problems. I'll be fine on my own, Illusie. I'm quite determined at the moment." There was silence from the other end.
      Eventually, "...very well, Sir. You really are serious about this, aren't you? Well, Lizz will pester me about it..." The yellow Pokémon chuckled weakly. "Ah yes, so she will. Tell her I'm on a little trip with my friend."
      "She won't believe that Sir..."
      "Hmhm, tell her it's to Wigglytuff's Guild."
      "Wait, what?-"
      "Ah, said to much! I must go now, Illusie. I'll be back soon!"
      "Wait, Ampharos-!" ZZZrrt beep! The figure, apparently named Ampharos, turned around and started to walk towards the entrance of Serene Village. After all, he had some shopping to do...

~~~~~~~Line Break!~~~~~~~

      "Hey Pops!" A crash sounded from the door, leaving a rather winded Ahrin, and hyperactive Quil in its place. "...Quil... how are you so hyperactive...?" The Eevee coughed pieces of dust from her lungs, groaning in pain at the scuff marks all across her body. The Cyndaquil merely grinned his unbearably innocent and admittedly adorable grin, before helping her up. "Sorry, kinda got carried away, but hey, we're at my house now! It's just like a sleepover!"
      "...Sleepover?" Ahrin rose, a questioning look on her face as she turned her gaze towards Quil. "Yea! We'll have beds next to eachother and everything! Say, do you think you can stay for awhile so we can go to school together?" A maniac grin stretched upon his face, leaving Ahrin scared, and fascinated by how hyper the Cyndaquil really was. He could be on one subject for one second, then on a second subject for another second.
      "I probably can. I don't have anywhere to go, because I honestly can't remember who I am, or where I came from... if it was even around here or not." The Eevee lowered her ears in thought, a saddened look on her face. Quil tilted his head, contemplating her words, before nodding slowly. "Alright... well, that's all the more reason for you to stay here! I'm going to go ask my Pops, so stay here and don't leave, okay? I'll be right back!"
      The hyperactive child rushed off into another part of the house, leaving Ahrin alone in the front door. She sighed, an irritated look on her face, as she turned to look out the door. She watched the younger Pokémon play, and a smile etched upon her muzzle. They were so adorable, the little ones...
      She shook her head, and was about to sit down, when she heard a crash coming from the main square of the town. There were screams, and with a jolt, she took off running towards the sound.
      When she arrived at the scene, she was met with a trashed Serene Village town square. Her mouth gaped open at the attacking Pokémon, whom appeared to be cloaked in gray clothes, as they leaned closer towards some children. A Deerling was in the lead, standing in front of a Goomy, both looking terrified by the intruder in their home.
      With a sense of determination, Ahrin launched herself towards the gray cloaked Pokémon, sending him into a tree, crashing into it and sending leaves down. The Deerling and Goomy stared at her in surprise, eyes widening at her sudden appearence.
      "Hey you, gray cloaked bi-...female dog!" She choked on her tongue, remembering there were children here, and snarled lowly at the intruder. The Pokémon in question turned, eyes sparking dangerously, as he opened his mouth, and a large stream of ice shot out of it. "An Ice Beam, huh...? Psh, easy." She easily dodged the attack, jumping high into the air and using a single attack. Trump Card.
      "How about some explosives, jerk!" The Eevee sent white glowing cards at them, and though most missed, one card lodged into the Pokémon's side, and a few seconds after contact, exploded on him.
      The figure fell, now severely injured. "Hmmph. Serves him right." Ahrin sniffed, her black tipped tail lashing with contempt. The two children leaned forward, wide eyed at their saviour. "Who...who are you?" The Deerling asked softly, her ears laid back in cautiousness.
      The Eevee turned towards them, a surprised look on her face, as she just realized they were there. "Ah, sorry about that! Are you okay?" She walked towards them, a concerned looking across her gaze.
      The Deerling nodded, and turned to look at the equally scared Goomy, before thanking her. "Thank you so much for saving us! That Pokémon tried to taking Rox with him, but I wouldn't let him. Oh, by the way, my name is Nymphia. And this is Rox behind me."
The Goomy, named Rox, wobbled in greeting, apparently still to scared stiff to speak. She smiled at the two, before turning to the cloaked figure, and taking off the gray tattered clothing. "Okay, who are you...?" A flash of white caught her eye, and she flinched in surprise, and fear. She knew this Pokémon... but his name, and why she knew him, escaped her.
      She shook her head, observing this Pokémon slowly. He seemed to have a scar over his left eye, and pink fur on his ears. It was a Zangoose...
      "He... he said his name was Zeke... and that he would turn us all into stone if we didn't go with him." A shivering voice rang, and she whirled around, seeing Rox being the one to speak.
      "He said he wanted Quil and I... for what, I don't know, but... he did..." the goomy gulped fearfully, and cowered again, not looking like he was going to speak anytime soon. She nodded slowly, a grim look on her face. "Thank you. Can you get the police, Nymphia? We need this crook apprehended."
      A small smile found its way on the scared Deerling's muzzle, and she nodded, looking at Rox with uncertainty.
      "Don't worry, I'll look after him." Nymphia nodded, and took off in a direction. The rest of the square was empty, it seemed, as everyone had fled somewhere else. The Eevee sent a low glare at the KO'd Zangoose, snorting.
      She jumped in surprise, when a gleaning yellow body crashed into her from nowhere, leaving her breathless as she fell to the floor. She groaned in irritation, as two yellow... flippers? Picked her up, and apologies were heard.
      "My my my, I apologize for that! I didn't mean to run into you. Forgive me, will you?" She looked up towards the speaker, only to be left speechless by his striking eyes. They were more complicated than any other eye she had ever encountered before.
      "I..." she gulped, shaking her head. "I should have seen you sir, and moved out of the way." The yellow and black Pokémon tilted his head in confusion, before laughing.
      "Nonsense! I have a horrible sense of direction. I couldn't go North if I had a compass with me, I'm afraid." A chuckle escaped from Rox behind her, and she smiled. If he could make Rox smile, he was okay in her book.
      "Hey Ahrin!!" She blinked, and facepawed herself. I completely forgot about waiting at Quil's house! She groaned, lightly headbutting the standing Pokémon, as she buried her head into his body, not caring what was going on at the moment, and the awkwardness that said Pokémon was feeling at the moment.
      "Save me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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