To Be Noticed (BoyxBoy Jåŷśänto)

Start from the beginning

"Tattoo parlour baby!" Oh gosh! This bisshh needs help!

"What!?" I say with wide eyes, damn I'm positive they've now popped out my head...

"Ok, i'll let you think about the tattoos, but how about a few piercings?" She says laughing, accompanied by a cheeky grin.

"Now that! I wont hesitate to think about, lets go now, I think we deserve a ditch day!" Rashay and I head to my baby (my car) and she gets into the passenger seat. I get in and we head to Rico's place. Rico is Rashay's cousin. If he wasn't as straight as a metal pole...Gosh the things I would do to that boy. Anyways, he is a tattoo artist also qualified for piercings. He's really amazing at what he does, so why not drop in?

When we arrived, I parked outside the shop and me and Mrs LoudMouth over here went in. Rashay walked up to the ratchet, I mean the receptionist behind the the front desk and asked for Rico personally.

"Have you got an appointment with Rico?" Asked the 'receptionist' chewing her gum like it was the last bit on earth.

"Uum no, but he knows who I am." Rashay replied. You could tell she was getting annoyed now.

"Well, you cant see the man if yo bitchy self ain't got no appointment." This bitch is really getting on my nerves. Time to work my charm. I headed to the desk and leaned over it.

"Don't mind her. Do you mind telling us where your boss is shawty? It's just, were kinda short for time here." I watched her as she was stuck for words...yep it works every time.

"Uuu.....upstairs in his but he's busy." She kinda stuttered and I had to stop myself from laughing my ass off at this bitch.

"Psshh do I look like I care if he busy!?" Rashay was gonna loose it soon if the høē don't shut up.

"Oh hun don't get mad coz yo male friend here want me." This woman is crazy...

"Uum first things first. I'm gay and secondly. Even if I wasn't I still wouldn't want you!" I watched as her face dropped. She had her mouth wide open in shock just frozen, ahaha!

"Rico! Get yo ass down here before I Brake this høës neck!" Rashay hollered for her cousin at the bottom of the stairs that led up to his office.

After a few minuets, we hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Damn Gurl, five minuets in my shop and yo ass in here causing trouble." Rico said with his billion dollar smile. Oh gosh that smile.

"Sorry?" Shay said with a sheepish grin.

"Its ok, I kinda missed yo loud self anyway. So what are doing round here aren't yall meant to be in school?" Oh shit, what excuse do we use....I was about to say something when Shay beat me to it.

"School got closed early, water pipes or something." Saved by Rashay.

"Yeah so we thought we would drop in and get a few piercings done." I said, finishing off Shay's sentence.

"Oh hey Jake, so what are yall thinking of getting done?"

"Hey, so I was thinking...eyebrow,septum and snake bites." I was absolutely positive. My big sister wont mind, she was gonna take me to get them done anyway.

"What about you Shay?"

"Uum, spider bites, my nose and my tragus." She replied.

On the way here I thought a lot about getting a tattoo and I've finally made up my mind.

"Oh and Rico?" I wanted to ask him before he got things set up.


"Could I get a tattoo as well? I'm willing to pay quite a lot for it." I know this is for life so I'm willing to pay whatever.

"Sure just give me an idea of what i'll be doing."

I searched my bag for the finished drawing I did in art. It was an arm and on the arm was a tattoo. It consisted of barbed wire coming from a grey rose on the shoulder and it twisted around the arm till it reached the wrist. At that point it gave of the illusion that it was getting tighter and blood was coming out of it. Eventually a fresh red rose appeared from the blood.

"Wow! Who drew that!?" Asked Rico.

"Uuh...Me, why?" I replied.

"This is really good Jake, it would be a pleasure to do your tattoo for you." Rico said with a smile. "Lets get these piercings done first though, Jake could you sit on that chair please?" Rico asked as he pointed at a high raised chair.

I sat down, he showed me the clean needle and then all you could hear for the next 10 minuets was me cursing.

*10 minuets later*

"Ok. Thats you all done, you wanna take a look?" Rico smiled at his work and got a mirror for me to see what I looked like.

Rico handed me the mirror and might I say. I look sexy as hell!

Rashay bursts out laughing. "Ahaha, Look at Mr.Conceited! 'I look sexy as hell.'

"Oh shit! I said that out loud?" I asked now probably as red as a tomato.

"Yeah but anyway come on Shay, your turn!" Rico said, beckoning Shay over to the chair. I hopped off and she took a seat.

*10 minuets later*

"Ahaha! That was hilarious, I can't believe you mooed! Shay that ain't normal." I said while nearly crying with laughter.

"Its not funny! That shit hurts!" She exclaimed pouting.

Right now were just waiting in the parlours waiting room, Rico's just drawing out my tattoo for the stencil at the moment...Aaah! I can't wait. Imma bout to be inked up!

"Ay, yo Jake!" I was startled by Rico's voice.


"You ready? Im just gonna put this this stencil on to see what it looks likes on you. You know just incase you don't like it..."

"Im sure I will but yeah thats fine." I reply with a grin. Man, I can't wait! I cant believe I actually found the balls to go ahead with this.

He sits me down on a different chair this time. He applies that special thermal paper around my arm. After a few minuets he removes it.

"So...what do you think?" He asked me, obviously talking about the stencil.

"It's amazing! Can we get started now?"

"Yeah sure,just hold on till I get set up." He replied. 


A/N: So I just wanted to try something new. Sorry for any mistakes. I know that MB are not gay. But it's just a story. So if you don't like it well...Tough!

P.S: Although my characters have the same names and appearances as MB. This story is not MB related in any way.


To Be Noticed (BoyxBoy Jaysanto) Where stories live. Discover now