Just Keep Swiming

Start from the beginning

"You are so stubborn." He groaned before spinning your chair towards the door and pushing the back of your chair, wheeling you through the door.

"Stop. Tony stop." You told him, trying to turn around but he only went faster making you yelp and hold on so you didn't fall off. At your room he dumped you onto the floor. You stood up, nostrils flaring, but he shut the door on you, Jarvis locking it.

"Dang it Jarvis!" You slammed your fist on the door. "Let me out!

"Get dressed! Happy is taking us in fifteen minutes." Tony called behind the door. "Get all the stuff you need, or else you aren't coming out."

"Alright, alright," You gave, throwing your hands up and walking from the door. "I'll come, now can you open the door?"

Tony must have nodded because you heard the door click. You opened it and gave them all an annoyed look before suddenly Clint jumped up besides you. You yelped and held your heart, trying to smack him for scaring you. Of course he ducked.

"Can we get ice cream there?" He pleaded.

You made a hum of agreement, ice cream sounding really good to you. "Most definitely."

"Woo-ho!" Clint yelled before running off to his room to get changed.

Both you and Tasha had your heads tilted, watching him go. "He is so five." You voiced your thoughts aloud. You knew Clint wasn't always this immature, and he could be serious when the matter called for it, but it was funny to see someone act so immature at his age.

Nat laughed, agreeing. "He can be mature when he wants to be."

"Thank the heavens!"

She laughed again before hitting your arm in a friendly way, "Better get dressed."

"Yeah I guess so." You frowned.

For a minute you didn't move before finally wandering to your walk in closet to look for suit. You loved swimming, or just the water in general. Clint joked that you must have been born in the water with how much you wanted to be in it. The beach was your favorite place to go, whether it was being in the water or just on the sand. When it came to the water, you were a little immature. You laughed to yourself a little bit, realizing you had just called Clint immature moments ago.

Must run in the family. You chuckled to yourself.

It wasn't that you didn't want to go swimming, it was that you didn't want to catch up on more work later, but it looked like you didn't have a choice.

When you came to your swimming stuff in your closet, you frowned. You had too many swimming suits to choose from.

"Tasha?" You yelled, hoping she was still on your floor. When she didn't answer, you frowned before calling on someone else. "Jarvis?"

"How can I be of assistance MIss Barton?"
"Well..." You drew out the word sheepishly.

You swore you could hear a smile in his voice when he responded. "Would you like assistance choosing your swimwear?"

Relieved you nodded. "Yes please."

If Jarvis was a person, you knew he would be laughing, used to your indecisiveness.

"Not a problem MIss Barton."

The way Tony had programmed him to sound so human was impressive. You could hear amusement in the AI's voice.

"What occasion is it today?"

After a long time of Jarvis helping you, you found what you wanted to wear. It was a [Favorite Swimwear] with your favorite colors that went together, [first color] and [second color]. You gathered together your bag of things to take to the pool before stopping and sneaking a look at your office.

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