Spells part 2

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The 7D were at the Glooms' house looking for a way in. Hildy always took the key with her so there goes the 'key under the mat' thing. All the bottom windows were locked. Happy was trying to get them unlocked and to everyone's surprise they could tell he was growing frustrated. His face was flushing red with anger as he tried to unlock the lock. Happy never got frustrated...ever. But his Queen was in trouble and a friend was hurting, and that was one of the things that could drive him to anger. "Happy, why don't I try it." Grumpy suggested. "No! I got it!" Happy shouted. Grumpy was surprised. Happy never shouted.....ever......unless it was with joy.

"Happy I'm serious, your getting frustrated." Grumpy said. "That sounds like a song!" Happy beamed. "Happy I'm serious! But I'm seriously Happy-" Grumpy snatched Happy's guitar. "Now? Really?" Grumpy asked. Happy smiled and shrugged. Grumpy rolled his eyes. "Fellas! I've got it! We'll climb that tree, and hop on the roof. The Glooms never lock the top windows!" Doc beamed. "Alright." The 5D said. Doc led the 5D up the tree and on to the roof. Doc tried to open the window and what happened? You guessed it. Locked. "They've never done this before!" Doc said. "That's because Hildy crowned herself." Grumpy pointed out.

"Well, I'll just see what my hat can do." Doc said. Doc ordered his hat to open the window. The hat pried it open and the 6D were able to get inside. Doc led everyone inside and they went downstairs to the living room were all the magic stuff was kept. They looked through the sleeping curse spell books and not one of them stated a cure. "What are we gonna do now?!" Grumpy panicked. Doc closed his eyes and shook his head while frowning. "I don't know. Happy was reading his book and found something a little odd. There was a page missing!! Maybe there was a cure after all!

Bashful was sitting with the queen's hand in his. Bashful tried to have hope but he didn't know how he could. He looked at his love and Queen so pale, so peaceful when she's asleep. Bashful couldn't help the tears fall down his face. She didn't deserve this. So why did she get it?! What did she ever do to the Glooms that was so bad?! He went upstairs to get the blanket form his bed and extra from the closet.

He placed one over Queen Delightful and hopped on her right side careful not to hurt the tiniest hair on her. He put his blanket over him and took the queen's hand. He vowed to be there for her as she slept and for if and when she wake up.

Bashful took stroked her face with his tiny warm hand. The queen's face was so cold. Bashful kissed her cheek. "Goodnight my delight." Bashful said cuddling. Close to the Queen.

The 6D had searched all night literally for a cure. They had no luck. "Guys, where's the missing page?!" Sneezy asked. "No one knows." Sleepy commented. "We'll find it!" Grumpy ordered. "Well, if I know the Glooms they must've put it somewhere we wouldn't think to look." Happy said. "Where is that?" Grumpy asked. "Is there an old room in here?" Happy asked. Doc smiled and the 6D went up to an old room. Their was the missing page!

"Found it!" Happy beamed. "What does it say?" Grumpy asked. "It says 'ye who possesses the wand shall undo thy spell'." Said Happy. "Then we have to get one of the Glooms' wands." Grumpy said. "Yes, but it's not going to be easy." Said Happy in a serious tone. "We know that, but we have to save the Queen." Said Doc." "I know, just sayin'." Happy said. "Well
let's save the Queen!" Grumpy growled.

Grumpy and the 5D rushed back to the cottage. "Bashful! Starchy!We found a cure!" Happy beamed. "What is it?!" The two asked at the same time. "We have to get Hildy's wand to do it." Grumpy replied. "Oh boy." Bashful said rolling his eyes. "I know, but we're the 7D! We can do this!" Doc said determinedly.

"Ok, let's go get that wand." Bashful said. "Starchy, please stay with the Queen." Bashful said. "But I want to help!" Starchy pleaded. "I know, but, can you hold the queen's hand.......for me?" Bashful asked. Starchy smiled at him. "Of course." He said. Bashful smiled. "Let's go 7D! Ordered Doc.

Doc led the 7D to the castle. It was changed into purple. "I'm shocked nobody's hypnotized." Sleepy said. "Me too." Happy said. "How do we get in?" Grumpy asked. "I have a rope in my hat with a grappling hook, it can get up to the window." Doc smiled. "Great!" They all said. Doc ordered his hat to get the rope out and it did. The rope got to the highest window in the castle. "Alright, everyone we'll go one at time everyone." Doc said. Doc climbed up the wall, then tossed the hay down to Grumpy. Grumpy tossed it to Happy, and so on. All of them were in the castle now. The snuck downstairs to hear an angry Hildy Gloom. They all just rolled their eyes."Alright, when Hildy turns her back, I'll knock her down, then the rest of you dog pile on her, when you do that I'll grab the wand, and then we get out of here and wake up the Queen!" Doc whispered. The 7D nodded in agreement.

Hildy turned her back, Doc tip toes behind her and knocked her down. "NOW!!!!" Ordered Doc. The rest of the 7D dog pile don Hildy and Hildy couldn't get up. "I'm so glad it had cheese before I came here." Grumpy said proudly. Doc grabbed the wand and zapped Hildy. Then Grim, and they got blasted out of the castle. The 7D rushed to back to the cottage.

Starchy still had the queen's hand in his. "Yay, you got it!" Starchy beamed. Doc gave the wand to Bashful, and he ran it from the queen's head to her feet. He then placed the crown back on her head. The 7D and starchy waited. She didn't wake.

Everyone was worried until Bashful felt a cold hand stroke his hat. He turned around and smiled. He embraced Queen Delightful and kissed her lovingly on the lips.

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