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Bashful woke up the next day still at the queen's castle. Bashful and the Queen have been dating for a year now and she had been having Bashful over more on account of the dates and her bad dreams are gone thank goodness. Bashful did a lot of thinking that day and he thought about it, and t was settled. He was going to take the Queen to dinner and propose to her tonight.

That night Bashful had everything planned. He got in his best tuxedo and slicked back his hair. He went to the queen's castle and knocked on the door. "H- hello Bashful." Starchy said in disappointment. "M-may I speak to Queen Delightful?" Bashful asked. Starchy let out an annoyed sigh and rolled his eyes. "Your majesty! Bashful's here!" Starchy called. The Queen came rushing down.

"Hello Bashful!" The Queen beamed. "W-W-W-Will you come to dinner with me?" Bashful asked. "Sure! I'll go get on my best dress!" The Queen beamed. The Queen rushed to her royal suite and put on her best dress. She put on some perfume and went back downstairs. Bashful put Queen Delightful's hand in his and lead her to the waffle schnitzel. "I hope you two enjoyed your meal!" The waiter beamed. "It was delightful!" The Queen beamed. Bashful smiled shyly and nodded. "Qu-Queen Delightful, I've been wanting to ask you this for a few days." Bashful started. "What are you saying?" The Queen asked. "Uh, your my delight your majesty, I love you too much to go on without you." Bashful got down on one knee. "Emerald whimsical, w-will you marry me?" Bashful asked. The queen's eyes lit up with joy. "Yes yes!!!" Queen Delightful beamed. Bashful slipped the ring on her finger and the whole waffle schnitzel clapped. The Queen embraced Bashful and pressed and sweet kiss to his lips, causing him to blush.

On the way home Bashful and Queen Delightful decided they would start planning their wedding in a few days. They had all the time they needed which they were able to relax. "Will you stay with me Bashful?" The Queen asked. "Always my delight." Bashful answered kissing her hand. The two changed into their pajamas. Bashful came out of the bathroom waiting for the Queen to come lay I bed with him.

The Queen came out from behind her changing screen and hopped into bed with Bashful....literally. "You literally hopped in the bed!" Bashful exclaimed. "I know! Where's the fun in just going in?" The Queen asked. "Oh! I must go check on Esmerelda!" The Queen rushed to Esmerelda's room to see her sound asleep. The Queen smiled and went back to her room.

"Is she asleep?" Bashful asked. The Queen brightly smiled. "Yes, just fine." She answered going back in the bed. "Bashful, the Glooms won't hurt us will they?" Queen Delightful asked. "No my love, they'll have to get through me." Bashful said. Queen Delightful could only smiled sweetly at him. "Sleep." Bashful said. The Queen pressed a sweet kiss to Bashful's lips and cuddled with him.

Bashful loved the Queen more than anything else in this world and wouldn't trade her for anything. Not even if he lost his hat, and couldn't get it back. Bashful was determined to keep the Queen safe. And that promise would be kept for the rest of his life.

Hildy woke up with a smile on her face. She knew what the day was today. "Grimmy Wimmy! Wake up!" She beamed. Grim rubbed his tired eyes and woke up. "Today's the day my diabolical dream boat!" She beamed dragging him out of bed. Hildy rushed through her breakfast and dragged Grim out of the door.

She handed him his broomstick and got out here and the duo flew off to the castle and were out the windows. They saw the Queen and burst through the window. "What are you two doing here?!" The Queen asked in horror. "To put you in eternal slumber!" Hildy beamed. Starchy hearted and rang the EMERGENCY big bong bell. "The Queen really needs us!!" Sneezy shouted.

The 7D rushed to the castle and they were relieved that Doc had upgraded the speed of the mine cart for emergencies yet frightened at the same time. When the 7D got inside, it was not a happy sight. They saw a Queen who was unconscious and a crying starchy holding her in his arms. Bashful ran to the Queen.

"QUEEN DELIGHTFUL!!!!!!!" Bashful yelled in horror. He put her hand in his and started crying. "What happened?!" Bashful asked. "The Glooms put her to sleep again." Starchy answered crying. "Oh, I can just kiss her again you know." Bashful said smiling.

Bashful pressed a sweet kiss to the queen's lips, but she didn't wake. Bashful's eyes widened, and he kissed her again. Nothing. Then he kissed her again. "AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Bashful shouted. "I'm afraid this sleeping spell is permanent!" An evil voice beamed. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS???!!!!!!!" Bashful shouted. "Duh, to be Queen." Hildy said rolling her eyes. Hildy took the queen's crown off her head using her wand. She turned the crown to her favorite colors and Hildy flew with Grim up the castle.

Bashful was crying into the queen's chest and the 6D couldn't help but have sympathy for him. "Why? Why did they do this?" Bashful asked crying. Happy went over to Bashful and put his hand on his shoulder. "They are just bad mood waiting to be cheered up!" Happy beamed. Bashful gave Happy a cold hard stare.

Confession cam:

Grumpy: "Don't mind Happy, he's just trying to be positive in all of this."

Happy: "what else can I do?"

Grumpy: *rolls eyes and moans*

End of confession cam.

"There's got to be some kind of cute!" Bashful shouted. "Just calm down and I'll find it." Said Doc. "Find it, weather I'm calm or not." Bashful demanded in a sour low tone. "Uh, ok." Doc said timidly. "Then how do we find it genius?!" Bashful shouted holding on to the Queen. "The Glooms are in the castle, so I'll sneak into their house and look in their spell books." Doc said. "Starchy and Bashful, take the Queen to the cottage!" Doc ordered. Starchy carried the Queen bridal style while Bashful held her hand.

Starchy placed the Queen gently on the couch. Bashful started crying. "What's wrong?" Starchy asked. "We, h-have our whole lives ahead of us! Sh-she can't leave me! Not now! I just, *sighs*! There's no cure for this one. We're always able to save the Queen in emergencies, we saved her from the last sleeping curse, but I don't think anything will help her this time." Bashful said crying. Starchy pay Bashful's back. "Listen Bashful, you have to stay positive, you can't loose hope now, you have to believe for the better." Starchy said.

"OPEN YOUR DELUDED EYES!!!! THE GLOOMS PUT A PERMANENT SLEEPING SPELL ON HER, AND I TRIED THE ONLY CURE FOR SLEEPIG SPELLS!!! THER EIS NO OTHER WAY!!!!" Bashful yelled crying. "Bashful, magic is a funny thing, and I believe there's always a cure for these spells." Starchy said.

At this point Bashful decided to believe starchy. He never was this sincere but, the Queen needed them right now. Bashful felt their was cure, but what?

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