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Hildy was wide awake plotting revenge while her husband Grim was asleep. Hildy huffed, sighed and moaned. Grim woke up after another 30 minutes of plotting. "Hildy?" Grim asked. "What?" Hildy growled. "Why are you up my devious diva?" Grim asked. "Plotting." Hildy hissed. "Plotting what?" Grim asked. "Revenge Grim." Hildy answered. "Oh." Grim said. Hildy thought for a second. "I've got it Grimmy!!" Hildy beamed. "What's the plan?" Grim asked smiling.

"We are going to put the Queen to sleep my diabolical dream boat." Hildy gushed. "How?" Grim asked. "My wand." Hildy answered. "Ah." Grim said.

"Get some rest Grimmy! Tomorrow's a big day!" Hildy beamed kissing Grim on the cheek. Grim blushed and turned over on his side.

         The next day came and Hildy was ready to put he Queen to sleep. She and her husband Grim ate breakfast. The duo got themselves dressed and Hildy dragged Grim out of the house with both their broomsticks in hand. "Ready Grim?!" Hildy beamed. "Ready!" Grim beamed. The two flew off and checked out the castle. Queen Delightful wasn't anywhere inside that they could see. "How are we going to check inside now?" Grim whispered. "I bought our invisibility hats." Hildy said handing Grim the hat. The Glooms put on their hats and snuck inside.

They split up and looked for the Queen. No sign of her anywhere. Grim and Hildy met up in the ballroom. "Maybe she's on an errand." Grim suggested shrugging. Hildy face palmed herself.

"Ugh! We'll wait outside! If she's not their we wait." Hildy ordered. The duo went outside.

Confession cam:

Hildy: "This plan is going to be brilliant! It's not like Grim could come up with this.

Grim: *plays with wand and poofs a kitty*

Hildy: *rolls eyes*

End of confession cam.

                  Queen Delightful was running errands with Lord Starchbottom. "Your majesty my clothes are fine." Starchy said. "You can't wear pajamas all the time." Said Queen Delightful. "But there not- *heavy sigh*" "Now come on! There are Gerkin pickles!" Queen Delightful exclaimed with joy. Sir Yipsalot yipped with joy. Queen Delightful bought the pickles and gave one to sir Yipsalot. "Oh, please do watch sir Yipsalot Lord Starrchbottom! I'm going to by a new dress!" Queen Delightful beamed.

Queen Delightful bought herself a new dress and went outside. "Back to the castle!" Queen Delightful said. The two went back to the castle and as soon as Hildy saw the Queen she was ready to cast her spell.

"With these magic words I speak, I here by put the Queen to sleep!" Hildy said aiming her wand at the Queen. Magic hit the Queen and made her collapse causing her to drop all the groceries. Starchy turned around in a flash. "QUEEN DELIGHTFUL!!" Starchy yelled. Starchy rushed over to the Queen and held her in his arms. "Your majesty? A-are you ok?!" Starchy shouted. No answer and no movement. Starchy picked her up bridal style and rushed over to the 7D's cottage. Starchy frantically knocked on the door. Bashful answered it. "WHAT HAPPENED??!!!!!!!" Bashful screamed in horror. The 7D came rushing to the scene. They all gasped. Starchy put Queen Delightful on the 7D's couch. Bashful rushed to her side and put her cold hand in his. He stroked her beautiful face with his hand fearing for his queen's life. "S-starchy, explain what happened in full detail." Happy ordered. "We were coming home from shopping, but when I opened the door, I heard a fall, turned around, and saw the Queen collapsed!" Starchy exclaimed in horror. "WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS???!!!!!!!" Bashful exclaimed in horror. "I don't know what caused it! It's hot outside but the Queen can handle a hot day, and it's not cold, and-"

"THE GLOOMS!!!" Grumpy yelled. "We don't know for sure Grumpy." Doc said. "And how is that so genius?!" Grumpy growled. "Look, they may be our enemies, but we can't keep accusing them all the time." Doc said. Grumpy rolled his eyes. "Fine!" He growled. "Alright, let's find out what caused this." Doc said. Doc examined the Queen. She barely had any breath you couldn't really tell if she was breathing. Her pulse was so weak you could hardly feel it. "Alright, she has to be under some kind of sleeping spell." Doc said. "How do you know?" Bashful asked. "She still alive." Doc answered. "Good, but w-will she wake?" Bashful asked. "I don't know, I don't know the cure for this sort of thing." Doc said putting a hand on Bashful's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Bashful, we'll do our bests. You stay here with the queen." Bashful nodded. Anything for his delight.

"Y-your majesty, I don't know if you can here me.......*sniffles* but if you don't make it, there is something I have to tell you, I l-l-love you your majesty. I'm so sorry I kept this from you for so long....I just......*sighs* I didn't know how to do it. Y-you understand.....I was just scared, but seeing you like this, I knew it was the right time." Bashful said crying.

Bashful could only squeeze the queen's hand gently, and wrap her arm around his. He gently cried into her sleeve. He loved her so much. He couldn't bear to loose her.

Bashful knew he was told to stay with the Queen but he was tired of the Glooms trying to rid her.

Bashful stormed off to the Glooms' house to knock some sense into them. He didn't care if it hurt them right now.

Bashful burst through the the door.

"GLOOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Bashful shouted. "What?!" Hildy hissed. "UNDO THE SPELL YOU PUT ON THE QUEEN NOW!!!" Bashful demanded. "Why should we?!" Hildy sasses. "ITS NOT RIGHT!!!!!!!" Bashful yelled. Bashful was so mad, he rushed up to Hildy and punched her in the hose as hard as he could. Next he beat up Grim, and gave him a a black eye. "Do you want to of them?!" Bashful yelled. Grim whimpered and frantically shook his head. "N-no!" Grim stuttered. "Then tell me how to take that spell off the Queen. Now." Bashful demanded though gritted teeth. "If you give my Grimmy a black eye I'll zap you!" Hildy hissed. "Go head, I'll give two shiners if I have to." Bashful said in a low toned voice. Hildy made a 'yeah right' face. Bashful did it. He rushed over to Hildy giving her two black eyes. Then he gave Grim two black eyes.

Bashful then looked through the Glooms' spell books and found the cause for a sleeping spell. True loves kiss.

Bashful looked for his friends and they were back at the cottage. "Bashful the cure is-" "I know." Said Bashful. Bashful went to kiss the Queen. "Don't leave me, please." Bashful whispered. Bashful kissed the Queen passionately on the lips. She didn't wake.

Bashful cried, until he heard a gasp and an arm wrapped around him. "QUEEN DELIGHTFUL!!!" Bashful exclaimed with joy. True loves kiss. Love will heal anything.

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