"Obviously they were not Dark Horrors, which is a great relief but I can't rule out Scavengers."

Kayle's face grew concerned and dark. My head was filling with many more questions but Merkell kept talking before I could ask any of them.

"I would have informed you when last we spoke but I didn't want their parents to find out and refuse to leave. I couldn't risk you trying to change our plans either." He looked at us with a peculiar expression.

"I understand why you did it but... Scavengers?" Kayle growled the word. "Lowlife scum, they need stringing up. How would they even know how to find the crossing, much less these two?"

Whoever these people were, Kayle didn't sound like he wanted them anywhere near us and I wasn't sure I wanted to find out the reason why.

"They most likely acquired the knowledge from some unsavoury character," Merkell answered in a disgusted voice.

I had to interrupt them now, "Please, just stop for a minute," they both turned to look at me. "What the hell is a Dark Horror? What do these Scavengers do exactly and why would they be watching me and Emy?"

I asked it all very calmly but I felt anything but, I was agitated with them, with the situation as a whole. I didn't like not knowing these things, important things that apparently revolved around Emy and I, yet we knew nothing about.

Merkell seemed to think on his response for a moment or two, his expression unreadable.

"Dark Horrors are repulsive, deformed beings from our world that were once human-like but they sold their souls for power. Power that you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of. Scavengers however, are human but they are the lowest of the low; they will do anything for gold and will serve the Dark Horrors if it pays well enough, or suits their needs."

He paused and peered at Kayle who shook his head ever so slightly, Merkell sighed and continued.

"As for your last question, I cannot answer that because your parents' have asked me not to. I also believe it would be better coming from them."

Merkell ended with an air of finality that made it seem as though the conversation was over. He went into his bag and took out some more food and handed it to Kayle.

"When Kayle has finished eating, we will leave."

"Wait, so that's it? Our parents tell you not to explain anything and you just listen? What could be so huge that you can't tell us now? I'd rather be prepared and have angry parents than be unprepared and never see them again."

Merkell and Kayle exchanged a glance, Merkell appeared to be deliberating for several seconds before shaking his head.

"No, I won't go against their wishes. I am prepared enough to get you to your parents in one piece and then they can explain anything you may need or want to know."

I could tell he wasn't about to budge on the subject, I looked to Emy to back me up on this. She had been quiet throughout the conversation and I was surprised to see that she had fallen asleep. I didn't know how she managed it with everything that was going on. I laid her more comfortably against her bag and proceeded to wait through my annoyances, until we were ready to go.

"Is Emily really angry with me?" Kayle asked out of the blue, between mouthfuls of his food.

I looked down at her sleeping form and shrugged. "No, I don't think so, I think she's just trying to take all of this in. You jumping out on us just gave her an opportunity to vent some of her frustration."

He rubbed his shoulder with a grin, "I understand, she packs a right punch though."

I smiled at him, it was odd but I could see that there was still some of the Sam we'd come to know in there, even if his name and voice had changed.

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