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After hours of sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Sara to awaken, she finally did.

"We're going," I called over to her, not even giving her time to think.

"What? Where? Give a girl some time to wake up."

"We're going shopping."

I knew there was no car, so we were going to have to walk to where we wanted. I let her go upstairs and get changed while I thought the current situation through.

What if someone noticed me? What if someone stopped me?

Soon enough, Sara came down the stairs in a rather revealing outfit.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yep!" she smiled, looking at herself in the front camera on her phone.

"We have to walk." I tried to ignore the sigh coming from her mouth as I walked towards the door. I unlocked it and swung open the door to reveal a bunch of men with big black cameras talking and sitting around on the lawn.

"Mae Parker!" one shouted, grabbing his camera and microphone and making his way to the doorstep.

"Get inside!" I pushed Sara back in and slammed the door shut behind us. We both sat against the door on the floor of my living room. The curtains beside us were shut and we sat, breathless. Behind us the report banged his fist against the door. They repeated my name over and over until it became a chant on my front lawn.

We eventually ran up to my room and peered out the window. My neighbors stood in their front yards, all coming to see what the commotion was about. Cars were parked all the way to the end of the street, some even parked in neighbor's front yards.

"This can't be happening," I said to Sara as I paced around the small bedroom.

"Just calm down, we need to calm down."

"We can't calm down Sara! They aren't going to leave!" I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated at the situation in front of me.

"Look, okay. We're just going to have to sit here until it dies down, they can't be here for too long. They have families and loved ones to go home to. Trust me, it will die down. It always does in the movies."

I frowned. She was relating my life to a movie now.

I shut the blind and sat on the floor beside her, we were going to have to wait this one out.

80 hours later, Saturday night

The two of us sat cuddled up on a couch with the last few scoops of ice-cream that Jeremy had hidden at the back of the freezer. It's use by date was over two months ago, but neither of us cared if we got sick.

At this rate there was no leaving the house. We had been cooped up inside since Thursday morning. The camera crews and reporters had started to leave, but it still hadn't completely died down. Both of us hadn't had a breath of fresh air in over two days, and I was beginning to go crazy.

It was good though, I got to know Sara even more through the constant re-runs of The Suite Life on Deck on television. We were closer than we had ever been, but sooner or later she was going to leave and go back home. I'm even surprised she stayed here, locked up with me – instead of out on the streets in L.A. She really should be soaking up and doing all the tourism she can do, instead of locked up here.

At around 8:30 p.m. the old re-runs had finished, so Sara was switching around between channels. I was in the kitchen washing out the now empty ice-cream container. She left it on MTV as she got up and looked for more food to eat.

Neither of us were paying attention, until an ad for some celebrity gossip show quickly came on.

"Join me now for the Tristan Dawson interview that will get everyone talking! Starting now!" the television spoke to us. Both of us dropped what we were doing and ran to the television, where I rewinded it back half a minute to where the advertisement began. We watched some footage of Tristan from his last tour, where it spun around to a dark stadium full of thousands of fans with their flashlights up in the air, singing back to him.We both sat and waited for the program to start

"Mae, are you sure? You don't have to watch this!"

"Sara it's for the best, I have to see what he says about me."

The room went silent and I turned off all the lights so that we could comfortably watch.

"Welcome to Hot Daily News, my name is Ryan Burke, and tonight we sit down with Hollywood singer – songwriter and actor himself Tristan Dawson," he took a deep breath in before laughing. "Is there anything you don't do?" the host said. He sat with Tristan in a dimly lit room, each of them seated on a swivel chair.

"There's quite a few things I don't do, I'm probably not as talented as everyone assumes I am!" he laughed. That goddamn laugh.

"How does it feel? To be in a band and the front runner. How does it feel to know that so many girls adore and look up to you, especially since you are the one mainly in the spotlight?"

"I do feel bad, I really do. The boys and I all work equally hard, but I guess that my face does come up more in the news, and current events really don't help the boys, seeing the media practically ignores them when there is a major story out about me. It's hard to keep a balance between us."

"That's good though, you boys are all down to Earth and all make sure your ego doesn't get to your heads. Now... There's a question I must ask you."

Here it is.

"Go ahead!" he half smiles. He would know what the question is going to be, you'd have to be stupid to not know who it is.

"Can you officially say that the woman you met while in Hollywood is nobody to you? Is she a girlfriend? Or just a friend? It's the question that has been burning in all our minds since those first photos of you with her emerged."

He shifts around in his seat.

"Look, I'm not going to lie. When you're in a place for a certain amount of time you do meet some girls and you do get closer to them, but there really isn't enough time to get to know them on that sort of level. You may want to and you may feel like it is appropriate at the time, but at the end of the day the truth is that you'll be leaving soon and that girl, you'll probably never see her again. I don't want to come off as like harsh or rude to some girls, but that's the way it happens. I don't have time for a girlfriend at the moment, just not to that level." He tried to avoid the question.

"I think her name's Mae; Mae Parker I'm being told. What's the situation there?"

"Look, as I said, nothing means anything really. You'll meet a nice girl and Mae totally is a nice girl but I think that her feelings and the media's feelings just got out of proportion and they were totally portrayed in a way that wasn't felt between us. The truth is, that when we were alone and when we were behind the cameras and nobody was watching us – there was really nothing going on. We tried – I guess – to form something, but with different schedules and different lives, it would have never honestly worked and I guess we were both kidding ourselves to think so."

I looked down from the television, tears spilling from my eyes. How could he say that? How dare he say that.

"Mae... Don't even listen to him, it's obviously just because of the media and crap. It's not the truth," Sara says quietly, trying to comfort me. I see her at the other end of the couch, her eyes set on me.

"I know. I just don't know why he had to say that. Makes me look like the idiot," I groan, getting up from the couch, "I'm going to bed."


"No. I'm going to bed," I yell and storm up the stairs. I leave behind my best friend and the boy I thought I was falling for... but I guess he didn't feel the same way.

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