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I woke at four am, my head pounding with thoughts of last night. I wondered where Tristan was, I wondered what he was doing. Was he with someone? Or was he alone like I was? I couldn't shake the feeling he was holding someone else. I didn't know how to feel about the previous events. My mind was still spinning from last night and I didn't know what to do. It was easy to say my mind was a mess at the moment.

I picked up my phone from the bedside table next to my bed and looked through my conversation with Tristan. I sent a quick text to him. Maybe I was going crazy or maybe I was overthinking this whole thing. Tristan hadn't messaged me after we sent a few texts earlier after he left, but that was all. Suddenly – as if on cue – a text came through.

T- Heyyy :-)

M- Ohh hii

T- You're awake?

M- Yes... Did I wake you?

T- Nah, I'm always awake this early... perks of my career :-)

M- at 4 am?

T- Yes.

T- Why are you up at this unearthly hour anyway?

M- I can't sleep.

T- Because?

M- I don't know, just confused I guess.

T- About?

M- You and me.

T- What do you mean?

M- It's too early to talk about this. Night Tristan.

T- Ok. Night.

I couldn't tell if he was okay or not. He seemed mad but I wouldn't know, you can never tell over text. I needed more sleep anyway, I had no time to be up texting someone at four am.

Jeremy's alarm awoke me at seven a.m. My eyes burned from the sudden wake up and I wanted to fall back asleep but Jeremy's alarm was still ringing. I climbed out of the cozy bed and shuffled to his room beside mine. His large empty unmade bed displayed ruffled sheets all over the place. His white linen was flung over and almost reaching the floorboards. Jeremy was nowhere to be seen, like usual. I don't know why it was his business to be awake at seven in the morning, this was the first time he had set an alarm. I slammed my palm down onto the snooze button and angrily walked out of the room. As I went to enter my own room, I heard soft snores coming from the living room. I loudly trotted down to the living room to find Jeremy cuddling a fluffy pillow sitting on his bare chest. His face was messy and unshaved. His eyes looked sown shut and if I wasn't mad I wouldn't have woken him. I slammed my right hand down onto the pillow that was clung to his body. It didn't make a sound but as I tore it from his empty chest, his eyes quickly opened.

"What the f-"he began to cuss but stopped when he saw me wide eyed beside him. He squinted his eyes looking around the dark room. He rubbed his eyelids with the tips of his fingers. I turned around and loudly stamped over to the kitchen. I didn't understand Jeremy. What did he even want in life?

"Its seven a.m?" he asked in a morning voice, checking his cheap plastic watch.

"I know."

"So why did you wake me?" he asked, a dumb look on his face.

"I don't know, you tell me."

"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked as he lay back in a different position on the sofa.

"Your alarm went off at seven... Why?"

"Oh yeah I set that for something," he reached for the television remote, "Something... I'll figure it out later."

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