Chapter 10 - Phantoms and the High Queen

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I am High Queen of the Wraith, Bonded to Warrior and the creator of the first Leviathan female named Farscape. My name is ShadowDagger.

It had been a months since the disappearance of Shadow and Atlantis and Guide's relationship was as strong as ever. Guide had insisted on keeping Keirran and would end the alliance if the boy didn't remain with him. They had to concede not wanting to lose Guide. The Lantean Facility had been checked over and they still didn't know what the circle had been. All they knew was they Shadow was gone for good. Keirran was devastated and clung to Guide constantly calling him Sire which was the Wraith word for father. Sprinter had become a wreck blaming himself for her death. FirstLight was just as hurt by this lose and was in the same state as his Bonded. LastLight was broken as well. His brother bond only connected him to Sprinter putting him in the same state as his brother. Bonewhite was in pain as well. It seemed that the whole Hive was affected and didn't leave Atlantis and if they did it was to cull then return. They had become so connected to her that her lose had been a blow to them emotionally. She had been their smiling little flower that had showed her thorns and become an elegant little dagger. It was too much for them and John and his team realised this. Teyla tried to aid them but as they were connected it didn't help.

"Todd we have a Wraith on Atlantis. He's really odd though. Kind of deranged actually." Guide looked up and looked at John and frowned.

"How so?" Bonewhite looked over at John and Teyla.

"He won't fucking shut up and is constantly making sexual comment about, Ronan, Teyla and pretty much any attractive human including me. It's creepy. That and he hacked our systems and took out the shield on the Stargate. Rodney says he sent out this weird message and it's in this screwy dialect. We can't read it. Some type of weird ship appeared on our scanners. It looks larger than a Wraith Hive." John had the whole control room's attention. Guide and Bonewhite looked at one another.

"How is this Wraith dressed?" Bonewhite spoke up curious.

"He wears white and has this funny looking red mask..." Every Wraith cried out in alarm. The whole control room looked to be in a state of panic.

"Who is he. We asked for his name and he said all you need to know is that I am one of the Phantom?" Teyla looked concerned. Bonewhite and a few other Wraith fainted. Guide paled and had a horrified look.

"Phantom are assassin like Wraith. They belong to the High Queen ShadowDagger. She commands all Wraith including me. They only get involved if her Bonded/mate is in danger. His name is Warrior and he is the High King. He has more power than any queen could hope to have. Only ShadowDagger proved to be his equal. They raised the hives together and took down the Lanteans. It is said that she lives on a living ship that has a mind of its own. The Phantom are not like me or any Wraith you'll ever encounter. They govern themselves by entirely different rules and there are only two ships. They have an even amount of males and females on both ships. The ships from what my father told me are called the Leviathan and that was all I was told. We need to see why they are coming here. I wished to interrogate him myself. We have never meet one before and I find myself curious and disturbed greatly."

"Go for it maybe you can get some sense out of him."

The phantom was dressed similar to that of an assassin from Assassin's Creed. It was and odd look. His robes were entirely pure white, the mask he wore was beautifully designed and a bright blood red. Even the boots he wore were white. It was somehow even more petrifying than the ordinary Wraith. He was smirking his head off and he had taken the hood off. Revealing black hair instead of white. Guide jumped in alarm at seeing this making the Phantom laugh. Guide growled in frustration.

"I am Commander Guide former Consort to Queen Snow father of Alabaster. I command the Hive ship Shadow Blade." The Phantom took of his mask. His face was slightly different than the Wraith. Instead of it being harsh it was softer and he didn't seem to be afraid of smiling.

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