Chapter 9 - Leviathan

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It meant that Warrior would never kill me. I was now safe but I had to still take the super Hive from him. It was better to be safe than sorry.

The Final Battle was only hours away the Hives would all reach Atlantis at the same time. We would then launch simultaneous attacks on Atlantis. Then in the confusion of the ships attacking at the beginning of the battle Atlantis would the sink itself and the Lantean ships would then scatter. They would return safely to Earth. I had to stay calm. One wrong move with Warrior and I could be killed.

The Hive was in an uneasy rest. I was hungry already. I walked to where the humans were kept in the pods. I feed and didn't think twice. That part of me no longer cared. It was just nature. Everything needed to eat and everything died eventually.

I walked to the control room. Warrior was late. I decided to take charge. I had them check the systems again to make sure that everything on the Hive was good.

Warrior arrived in the control room as the last Hive ship got into position. I could feel the tension and shit would hit the fan between me and Warrior after the Battle.

I won't describe the battle but Colamber's hive crashed into the Lantean Ocean. Just like it was supposed to. Five hives with a Queen were destroyed and another seven without a Queen. The Hives jumped into hyperspace and we scattered across the Pegasus galaxy. During the battle I had over run most of Warrior's orders and if I had not done so more Hive ships would have been annihilated in the battle. I had proven that in time I would be more than just an equal to Warrior. I had just proven that I had earned the right to be High Queen. I only had to prove it completely to the other Queens in the galaxy. Warrior had stuck out.

Before I could blink he struck me across the face. Every Wraith in the control room stared in shock. I looked up at him and knew it was time.

"We are Bonded and yet you strike me for saving the life of other Hives. If I had not undermined you more ships would have been lost."

"You allowed Atlantis to sink beneath the ocean!"

"The Lanteans will not come back. The chances that they have fled from their precious city are high. We won Warrior. Enough I do not wish to have to fear from other Hives and the Lanteans while carrying an unbirthed child." I could feel that the whole Hive had been privy to this conversation. They all knew I was carrying. I was far too young for a female wraith to have a child.

"You will leave this Hive ship on the condition that I give you the child may it be male or female. If not then you will have neither Hive nor child." He was enraged and I felt legionnaire enter the control room with quite a few males. I had outwitted Warrior. We came to the agreement that he would keep this Hive and a new one would be built for me. One that would be superior so any ordinary Hive because of the ZPM and the other Lantean technology I had acquired. We didn't speak to each other much. Wraith pregnancies lasted five years and it took eight years for the main structure of the ship to be built after that it was left with me to complete. I kept one half of the Hive and Warrior the other. I gave birth to a boy. I had grown attached during the three years I had him and I allowed my tears to flow as I passed him to Warrior and left the Hive. Warrior soon after from what I had heard named the Hive ship after the nick name I had given his father. The Legend. It was something I would never forget that Hive was a Legend and would remain so.

We modified our ship to the point where it became a living being like us. "She" was similar to Moa from Farscape so I named her Farscape in respect that we had created a living ship. Farscape was intelligent as we were. She always let us know when there was danger. We had improved the ZPM and turned it into a living part that regenerated and only needed to be exposed to sunlight for a few hours for Farscape to be able to go into hyperspace. Throughout the years the ship changed internally. Parts of her that were not living become alive. She was like a child though. She would only respond to me and Legionnaire most of the time. Farscape overcame this with a quite a few members and would play tricks on others. It was amusing and we all adored the sounds she made. They were musical and reflected her mood. We didn't refer to her as the Hive ship because she wasn't a Hive. We or I gave her species even though she was the first the name of the Leviathan just like in Farscape.

Years passed and I found that I missed my child and Warrior but it had to be done. My ship was superior and would alert me to any betrayal from him as Farscape can hack any Wraith Hive system. The rules of us being bonded still stand. We had both kicked each other in the butt with a betrayal. I knew that he would respect me now that I had proved I was his equal. I didn't fear anything. He wouldn't harm me now because his father had chosen me out of all of his previous Bonded. Thus Warrior would focus on Wraith politics and protect the Leviathan. We would remain in the shadows and struck with a dagger against those who wished to harm Warrior. We took the name of The Phantoms. We trained to the point where we didn't get seen when upon another hive. I involved myself many times in Wraith politics and many wars. I always came out victorious. I was untouchable I soon had managed to acquire five female wraith babies from different Hives. Our laws on the Leviathan were not the same as the other Wraith. We changed. We socialised and respect the humans we feed upon and the planets that I controlled flourished. There was more than enough humans to go around for twenty Hives on them. I kept these people kind hearted. We had the agreement that those who were of fifty would give themselves to us and in return we would care for them and protect them from the other Hives. This agreement has worked well for us and we have never had a problem. We joined them and celebrated this at the end of the year. We conversed and the Hive enjoyed playing with the human children. The five girls I had stolen had grown up and had help heal the pain of my son. They remained on Farscape having no interest outside of what I have built.

I had finale been given a name It was fitting as it held both names I had previously held. Time had revealed my true name. I am High Queen of the Wraith, Bonded to Warrior and the creator of the first Leviathan female named Farscape. My name is ShadowDagger.

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