Chapter 5 - Lost

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He then looked up at me and started crying. "Shadow I think I broke him." Guide laughed.

Bonewhite dislike Keirran. Ok scratch that he utterly hated my little brother. If Keirran wasn't breaking things then he was constantly getting lost on the Hive. That or he never stopped asking questions. It was driving poor Whiteboy batty. I truly felt sorry for him when he wasn't being a grumpy bum. I didn't see Sprinter much anymore as he had been given the duty of guarding my brother. I'm sure that was going to be a mistake one day I would regret. Sprinter was trouble sometimes and there was a reason why Keirran was nicknamed Troublemaker. He always threw food at me. Once he had made a mud tower in the kitchen and he even gave it a moat. I could have killed him that day. He drew on my face and gave me a moustache. It had been permanent marker.

I relied on Guide a lot and because of this things began to change between us. It was little things at first. We slept closer until it got to the point we were now in each other's arms as we slept. Guide no longer called me LittleDagger and instead he called me Atarra. In the Wraith tongue it meant 'beautiful one'. I could see that the Commander wished to court me but I was unsure on how to pursue him myself. The decision I decided on was to just leave things alone with Guide for now. It was safer for me if we didn't get involved. I was a child compared to him and I was only just begun to find out who I was. I wasn't the cautious little girl I use to be. As much as I was attracted to the Commander I knew I had hundreds of years to decide. I guess that was the beauty of being Wraith.

I was in the throne room when FirstLight entered. "We have a problem!" I raised my eyebrows.

"Beg your pardon. We have a problem my Queen." I nodded for him to continue. First looked a little frightened. I sensed his fear. It was of me, which was not normal for us. It was knew to me.

"What is the matter First?"

"Sprinter went down to the planet to investigate a Lantean lab we had found."

"I already know that. I was the one who ordered him to investigate the lab. Why are you here?"

"My Queen it's Troublemaker, he is missing and as far as we can tell he is no longer on the Hive. We believe he followed Sprinter." My eyes widened in shock and horror. Lantean laboratories could be extremely dangerous. You never knew if what in the lab was good or bad and because the Lanteans never labelled anything there things always coursed damage to somebody. If Keirran had gone down to the planet he could possible die. That planet as far as we knew belonged to the Genii. We had seen plenty of activity from them down there and had come across them to many times for it to be a coincidence.

"Get the Commander now!"

"My Queen he left to one of our other Hives last night." I realised I would have to go down myself. The only Wraith that Keirran knew was Guide, Bonewhite, Sprinter and the Light Brothers. Bonewhite had left weeks ago on an important mission and LastLight was on Atlantis. He was helping Rodney build a ZPM. That only left me and FirstLight.

"We are going down there now."

"LittleDagger we cannot lose you. Surly you could send..."

"My brother would not recognise anyone else other than you and me. If we send another down there he won't understand and may think that they are a 'bad guy' a wraith from another hive."

"Please Shadow." I ignored him and ran to my chambers. I quickly striped down and grabbed the battle armour that Guide had made for me when I first step aboard the Hive. I saw my backpack and put a few weapons in it. I saw my data pad that had the information on the ZPM's I wasn't thinking and I left it in the bag. When I came back into the throne room LastLight continued to beg me to not leave the Hive. I turned around and lost it.

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