Chapter 7 - Eternally Yours

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I smiled and snuggled closer to Warrior. Perhaps things wouldn't be so bad after all.

That had been over fifty years ago now. We had not done anything other than that since then. We lay together naked when we did sleep. Other than that nothing happened. I had focused purely on Wraith politics and culture. I watched how they interacted. I had also harnessed my fighting skills and would not stop. A wise person once said do not train until you are good, train until you make no mistakes. I had to be perfect to survive and nothing less. Queens generally didn't learn to fight. In fact they didn't bother. It meant that I would have an advantage over them in every way. I had also managed to steel my mind and harness my telepathic abilities. Warrior was the only one on the Hive who could forces himself into my mind and I doubted anyone else could. I found myself doubting myself. I would never be the same when I returned to my own time. These years had changed me. I didn't want to admit what I was becoming. I sometimes lost my temper and took it out on whoever was closest to me at the time. I was always on edge. I know knew what it was like to be a Wraith.

There hasn't been much to say other than sixty years had passed. We were on the verge of closing in on the Lanteans. I hadn't noticed the time passing me by. I just felt cold and bitter. The Lanteans had pulled their ships out and we were going to join in on the finale assault eventually. The queens were gathering their forces and the Queenless hives were joining the fight. I knew that this would be the finale all-out battle that made the Lantean's sink the city beneath the ocean. The question was what would happen to me after then?

I walked through the dark corridors of the Hive with a hunger I had never felt before. I wasn't hungry in the sense that I needed to feed. I was sexually starving. I was over a hundred and thirty years old. I felt hot and my body's temperature was rising and I couldn't stop it. Was I sick? That was impossible Wraith didn't get sick but then I had only become a wraith threw the reverse retrovirus so it was possible right? I went looking for Legend. We had grown close like father and daughter. I trusted him and he me. I walked into the control room and every wraith turned and looked at me. Their nostrils flaring and I could feel desire coming from them. Legend walked up to me and sniffed my neck. He pulled back and stared. We looked at each other for a minute. Everything was silent. He laughed and the other males and a few drones looked at him. I was confused and so were they. I could feel the amusement radiating from him. I glared and growled.

"What is so funny Hive Master?" he smiled at me gently. I could feel him at the edges of my mind trying to put me at ease. I sensed he meant nothing of ill intent so I allowed him in.

Relax Little One. You are simple in heat a common female trait it similar in a way to when humans come into theirs. Your will not be able to control your body temperature for a few hours then after that for about a year you will have a deep sexual desire to procreate. After the year is up you will bleed for a week then go for another hundred years and the cycle will repeated.

I groaned. I was already sexually frustrated. Now what the hell was I supposed to do with that. He chuckled and I realised I had just told him that in my mind. I growled and walked back out like I had a pole shoved up my backside. I hated human periods. This had to be worse. I realised I would have to have sex at some stage to fix the problem. I was horny already and I knew I wouldn't survive a whole year. I had a feeling it was going to get worse.

A few weeks passed and I couldn't take it any longer. I was in my shared chambers with warrior when he walked in. I grabbed him and threw him on the bed jumping him. I pushed my lips to his in need. He responded and I could feel his amusement at my female cycle. I tore his clothes off and he helped with mine. Before I could respond he had me on my back. I arched it wanted him. I had never felt like this and I couldn't contain myself any longer. He was already aroused and gave me the realise I needed. Later I realised my mistake. Sleeping with the High Commander was every Queen's dream and I done just that. Warrior became my partner that year as I needed him more and more as time went. I was lost to my passions and he only gave and didn't take. I was confused after the year had ended and it had been two months after I had bleed. Nothing between us had change we continued to please one another.

We were on a planet hunting. Warrior, Bloodlust and a few hunger Wraith were bored and I had tagged along. We separated looking for our own prey. It was night and the moon was shining brightly. I felt Warriors presence in a field not far and smirked. I decided to stalk him. The field turned out to be a beautiful meadow full of extraordinary glowing flowers. I saw him and walked over. He was lying on the ground with his hands behind his head stargazing. I smiled softly and joined him. He turned to me and softly whispered in my ear.

"Let the stars above be our witness. I am yours now and forever. My love is unconditional and eternal and it belongs to you for as long as I may live. I am Eternally Yours"

I realised he was quoting the Wraith wedding vows that are said in private between lovers and are only said out loud in private when one is asking the other to "marry them". He looked at me and I stared back. That oath was binding and Wraith don't get divorces like humans. If they end up hating one another they still remain loyal to each other. They protect and serve. If one is in need no matter what it is the other helps. Warrior was seriously asking me to be his forever. I just had to say nay it shall not be and it was over and we went our separate ways. The other to complete the ritual was I am yours now and forever. May the stars be our witness. I am Eternally Yours. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I knew what it was I would say.

"I am yours now and forever. May the stars be our witness. I am Eternally Yours." I had completed the ritual. It was done. I may have cared for Guide but I knew my feelings for him would die over time. I had to think of the now and what was to come next for me. Warrior leaned over me and kissed me gently.

Nothing lasts but at least I could respect that no matter what happened Warrior would not leave me behind. I become High Queen that day only through the ritual. I now had to prove that I deserved the title. Once on the Hive I remembered the rules between the Bonded Wraith.

1. Respect one another no matter what.

2. Protect one another no matter the danger

3. Do not betray one another

4. Do not abandoned one another

5. Do not keep secrets from one another

6. Do not lay with another

I had the secret of the ZPM. I knew I had to give that up and I realised that this was supposed to happen. Without me and the ZPM he doesn't defeat the Lanteans and send them back to earth. I know knew it was possible for me to see my home again and those I had begun to consider family. I smiled knowing I would see Keirran again. I waited for Warrior to return. I knew how to connect the ZPM to the hive Guide, Bonewhite and I had worked it out. I had it all on my laptop. The question was did it still work? I checked to see if everything was ok before Warrior returned from the control room. It was all in perfect condition. Not long after Warrior returned.

"Warrior the 5th rule of being Bonded is no secrets and I have kept one since I have arrived in this time." he raised an eyebrow. I could feel confusion. I then explained the ZPM and how to super charge the Hive with it. At the end he was grinning with the same grin Guide had when I had come up with a brilliant plan. It was that famous fox grin the Wraith were famous for and I gave him mine.

It wasn't long before our Hive ship had been altered. We had changed it in a way that the whole structure of the Hive ship had changed to adapt within two years. We were ready for the finale battle. Warrior would live and win the fight.

"Little One I know." I turned and looked at Legend.

"My dear Legionnaire what do you know?" He smiled softly and looked my way. You have Bonded with my son. Perhaps too soon but unlike humans we don't leave one another or betray. I will warn you guard your heart even with my son. Do not let your feelings control you. I know Warrior and there is a reason why he is so dangerous. You are not his first Bonded and may not be the last. He killed the others before you. I care for you deeply unlike the other females he Bonded to." My eyes widened in shock and horror. I felt sick now realising that Warrior had known something about the secret I was hiding and was using me. It was already too late to guard my heart I was falling and hard.

"Legion I thank you, you are dear to me and I will not forget what you have told me. You really are a Legend." He smiled at the complement of the nick name.

Warrior walked into the throne room and I smiled softly. I whispered in his ear. "Eternally Yours."

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