You Self-Harm / Contemplate Suicide

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edit: original scenarios have been removed to prevent inappropriate comments. please mind what you're saying, especially on a "chapter" as heavy as this one.
jokes about self-harm, blood, wanting to die, or jokes, in general, are not appropriate.
please be respectful.


As you can see, these are not the normal scenarios. For what reason? To talk with you. Not at you. Not to you. But, with you.

Life is a bitch. By now, everyone knows that. Even when it seems everything is going right, it turns on you and makes something bad. It fucks up chemicals in your brain, kills your car, or takes away your best friend.

I get it.

I personally have my own share of problems, and I'll tell you, so many times have they gotten the best of me. With them, I live a little on edge. But I've come so far, and for the first time, I know what I want to do - for real. I feel like now is not the time to give up, neither is tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that.

No day is worthy of you giving up.

And I know it's going to be difficult. When you feel like you can't stand, something will force you to keep on your feet. That doesn't mean you twist the rules and sit on your knees. You stand. And you keep standing until it doesn't bother you anymore.

You have to have a little determination, kid.

And if you struggle with internal thoughts that beg you to become self-destructive, I get it. They will tell you that you are alone, that no one cares, that you deserve it. But darling, you don't. I swear to god, I'm right here. And there are millions of people out there in the world that would love to help you, too.

I know what it's like to assume that is the only thing that can give you just a little bit of release. I know that sometimes it's hard to clench your fists and tell yourself "no." I know. I'm not going to make you promise to stop because that's not how this works. But the next time you reach for something to hurt yourself with, remember that I love you. Remember that I can give you a thousand different ways to approach that rawness you feel, and you don't even have to see yourself bleed and bruise and hurt. And darling, you don't have to hide.

You won't have to hide.

This life is a battle. Along the way, you're going to come into contact with things you don't want to challenge. But if you don't swing, it's going to hit you. And hit you. Until finally you won't be sure that you can get back up. So take that chance, follow your gut. Your instincts understand a lot more than you may think they do. Your heart and your soul can be the guide in this crazy zoo of life. And you can always get back up.

Sweetheart, if you ever need someone that won't judge you for those scars or that sadness you feel, I'm here. I'm always here. I won't leave you. You just have to promise me something.

Be the hero you always wanted. In the end, the only one that can save you is yourself. I'll just be there to pick you up along the way. Whenever you need me~

I'm right here.

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