Chapter 6: Driving Me Crazy

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It's 6:45 in the morning, I'm on my bed, I feel a little bit sleepy for now..
After I wake up I take a bath, I take my breakfast..

And went to Phineas and Ferb's house, well, at the backyard..

"Hey, what are you doing here?, it's only 7:15 in the morning?",Candace asked while she takes breakfast at her bedroom window

"Well, I just want to do some things, like walking around Danville?",I told her

"Is Phineas and Ferb there, we kinda like to have to use some bikes to travel Danville",I asked Candace

"They're here, just don't be too noisy",I entered their house

And Phineas showed up..

"Hey Phineas, where's Ferb?",I asked

"He's on the bathroom, I think he's singing in the shower right now?",He told me

"So, do you have plans for today?",I asked

"Uhm, were planning to go to the Danville Park with the gang, want to join us?",Phineas said

"Well, sure, I really want to go with you and the rest of the gang",Well, I start blushing

"Hey (Y/N), what you doin'?",Isabella entered the hous

"I..I think were going to go to the Danville Park for some picnic I think?",Phineas told Isabella

"I'm ready for the bikes!",Baljeet said

"Where's Bufford?", I asked

"Where's Ferb?",Bufford asked

"Where's Candace?",Isabella asked

"Where's Baljeet?",Candace asked

"Where's Phineas?",Ferb asked

"Hey, Where's Perry?",I asked


"Ok, everyone, stop, haha, I like doing this",Phineas said

"So, everyone ready?",Ferb asked

"Yeah, we are!",we all shouted


They're enjoying..I think
They go biking for sure, I think I will bust them, for sure

"Candace, your driving lesson is about to start later at the Danville Park, I hope you're ready!", Mom shouted at the kitchen

"Ok, Mom!",I shouted too

Oh no!, I hate driving lessons, I've done driving lessons for almost 5 times, but I can't do it, I always fail...


A Good Day at Danville, I think I can beat Perry the Platypus this time with my invention, I can predict what he is doing, hahahaha!!

Perry the Platypus entered through the window, but he didn't know I make a trap there..

"So, Perry the Platypus, how did you like my trap, maybe you can't escape, because, when I zapped myself with my invention, I can completely stop you from being one step ahead of me!"

"Backstory Time!!"

*a backstory brought to you by FranBelPines* (sorry for the tag)

"Back when I was a kid, everything was predicted, my sneezes,my everything, but I'm the only who doesn't know about what's happening in Drusselstein, that's why"

"Today, I make a device that everything you do was one step ahead, so I can predict everything you do, I call it the One Step Ahead-Inator!!, or the OSAI"

"When I zap myself with this, I can predict everything that you do, and that is the thing that will happen, so I can beat you, and conquer the Tri-State Area!!"

I zap myself with the O.S.A.I and I predict, that Perry the Platypus will escape the trap..

"Well, Perry the Platypus, you can't stop me, because I know everything that you will do to me, I know that you're gonna punch me, I know that your gonna press the self-destruct button"


Were still at the Danville Park riding some bikes around the park

"So, guys, what are your plans for today?",I asked Phineas while riding at the bike

"Check out your bikes, there's a button there",Phineas pressed the button

And we pressed the buttons also..

"Woah, Phineas, this is so awesome, the rocket launcher and the food giver, woah!",I was looking to my bike

Well, awesome, awesome!


I'm near the Danville Park, taking my driving test with Mom..

"Candace!, calm down on driving your driving too much, and your almost hitting people",Mom said while I am driving

While I'm driving, I feel like I'm zapped with some machine..

"Uh, Ahhh!",I hit the car on the wall

"Candace!, I'm telling you, be careful at driving!",Mom told me


"No, Perry the Platypus!, don't press the self-destruct button!"

"Self-destructing in..3...2....1"


And Perry the Platypus go out of the building!!

"Curse You, Perry The Platypus!!!"


I feel like I'm predicting something..

"Mom, Phineas and Ferb are flying their bikes into the sky!",I shouted

"Where?",Mom asked

"At the Danville Park, c'mon!",I forced Mom to go to the Danville Park
And when we get there..

"Mom!, faster!",Mom is near the Park
And I see Phineas and Ferb floating to the sky with their bikes..

"See!",I pointed the fountain

"Well, Candace, they are busted",I feel awesome


"I'll bust them for getting wet in the fountain",Mom told me

"What?!, But, But?"


"Hey, Mrs FlynnFletcher!", I waved my hand

"Kids, why are you all wet, let's go home!",Phineas and Ferbs mom shouted

"I got some nachos in the house, want some?",Phineas asked

"We want some!",we all shouted

And we go home..
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Hi KimmiePines!!!👏👏✋✋

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