Chapter Three

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I scurry up to my bedroom, rushing from room to room, gathering clothes, make up, shoes, and more or less what every girl needs to survive. I shove my clothes in about two suitcases and my shoes in one. I put my curling iron, straightener, wand, make up, and other 'things' that I'm gonna need for the next four months. Just as I think I have everything I need, my phone lights up with 'Boyfriend' flashing. I smile and grab my phone, plopping down on my bed, and unlocking my phone, seeing a text from Harry.

'Hey babe. The bus is gonna be at your apartment in about 10 minutes. Can't wait to see you <3' The text reads.

Even though we've been friends and are now dating, my stomach still flips everythime one of the boys calls me a romantic or sweet names such as babe, love, or even baby.

I smile at how thoughtful Harry is and reply with a simple 'Okay. Thanks.' I carry the suitcases I have downstairs to the living room. I go back up, looking at the outfit on my bed, that I have picked out for when they arrive.

I quickly tear the clothes on my body and shiver at the cold air hitting my skimpy body. For about three minutes, I just stare at my reflection in my full length mirror. Taking in every flaw. Every detail. Everything on my body.

After just staring, I pull on black skinny jeans, a Rolling Stones t-shirt, a black sweatshirt, and a small scarf. I throw my hair up in a messy bun, getting it out of my face and eyes.

I rush back downstairs and hear a car horn. I look out the big window in my living room and see two gigantic buses. I then see Paul walking up to my door, along with Harry and Louis.

Of course they would be together.

I open the door before they could even knock or reach the big wooden door. I flash a smile at them.

I take a moment to look at Harry and see that he's wearing the red plaid, button up shirt, that's actually buttoned down to the fourth button, black skinny jeans like mine, and those damn old brown boots with holes every where.

I look up at Harry's eyes, and see his eyes moving up and down my body. Most likely undressing me. Pervert.

I bend down as I grab the smaller suitcase out of the three I have packed up. Harry takes it from my hand as Paul and Louis each grab one. Well than...

They do realize that I'm completely capable of carrying my own luggage, right?

They walk out to the bus not saying a single word still. I slip on my black converses and start to walk out of my flat.

I pull my sweatshirt, closing to my small frame, die to the cold, ice, wind hitting my skin in a heart beat.

I take the key necklace off from my neck and lock the door multiple times, making sure it's secure and nobody can get in. Unless they knock the door down with their foot.

I start to walk towards the bus. I walk up the doorway steps, and take in the surroundings, my jaw dropping to the floor at how beautiful and amazing it looks.

This tour bus had to cost a freaking fortune!

Who the hell am I kidding. Its One Directions bus, of course it's gonna be expensive.

"You might wanna shut your mouth before the flies nest in their." I hear Niall saying, as he walks past me. I just roll my eyes. I start to make my way through the bus, trying to figure out where everything is.

I walk down a 'hall' where all the beds were. Well, technically their bunk beds. But anyway, there's no way that Harry and I are gonna be fucking on the bus with the small beds.

I continue to navigate through the bus when I hear a thumping/banging noise. I raise my eyebrows and start to walk towards the noise, making sure no ones behind me. I get to another door and slowly open it. I see a master bedroom, with a king sized bed. I see a mob of jet black hair and pinkish hair.

Well, either Perrie is coming along with us for the tour. Or Zayn is just saying goodbye in a very nice way. Very.

I back out slowly, closing the door as softly as I can so I don't disturb their 'playtime.'

I make my way back up to the front of the bus and see my bags. I look at the time and see that I have to take my medicine. I start to look through my bags, not able to find it.

I groan and look out one of the windows, to see that we haven't moved yet.

I turn around quickly and bump into Liam. Not Harry, but still okay.

"Hey Liam. Can you tell Paul when you see him that I had to rush back in my flat to get my medicine?" I more or less state than ask. He just nods.

I smile and push open the doors, rushing back to my door. I quickly unlock the door. I go into the bathroom and see that I completely forgot my medicine. I grab the purple polka dot bag and go back out. I lock up the flat once more, just as I had done earlier.

But when I turn around to head to the bus, the buses are gone.

Great. Just fucking great. Fuck.


Hello guys! I'm so so sorry I haven't updated in, like, months. But here ya go. I've been working on this extra long and I tried to make it longer than usually, but most likely failed at it. But I did put a cliffhanger. Love you guys to!



Love ya,

Samm :) xxx

Can We Start All Over Again? (EDITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang