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"Did you hear about what Daniel did?" Calum asked as I walked into the 5sos house.

"Um. No." I said, and walked to the kitchen where Ashton was too.

"He took that assistant boys work, didn't give him any credit, paid him 50 bucks, and-"

"He gave him $50?! The other designers used to get so much more! That's not fair." I said, and Ashton nodded.

"I've talked to Luke more than you guys have. He- um. He asked for more, but was denied, so he just took it. He's struggling on his own. He needs all the money he can get, and-"

"Hold on. I'm having trouble understanding this. That dick took his work, and paid him barely anything?!" I asked, and Ashton nodded.

"Luke almost lost his apartment last month because his pay was docked." Ashton said, and I sighed.

"Why is he working here? They treat him so bad." Calum said, and Ashton shrugged.

"He's always wanted to work at a record label. He says eventually everything's gonna pay off." Ashton whispered.


I ran over to Luke when I saw him walking down the hall.

"Luke!" I called, and he turned around quickly.

"I thought my name was drew." He laughed, and I smiled, stuffing my hands in my pockets.

"Hey. I know we haven't really gotten the chance to talk a lot, but I heard what Daniel did about the whole cover art thing. It was wrong for him to do that. If you ever need any help, me, Ashton, and Calum are here for you, okay?" I said, and he smiled.

"Thank you, Michael. I wouldn't have sold my art for $50, but I really need all I can get, and he wouldn't offer any more than that." He said, and I nodded.

"Just tell us if you need anything. We'd love to help out." I said, and he smiled at me.

"Thank you, Michael."

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