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*ring ring* *ring ring* *ring ring*

"MAKE ME GET UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT PHONE!" I screamed at my phone which was on the kitchen bench.

"Case! Answer your phone!" My roommate and best friend Joshua, everyone calls him Joven, shouted at me.

I had to answer it, but I had just gotten comfy and ready for a SuperWhoLock marathon on the couch. I was pissed.

Unfortunately the force didn't exist so I got up, dragged myself over to the kitchen bench,

"Baggers whore house, you got the dough, we got the hoe," I said into the phone as I picked it up.

"CASEY YOU PIECE OF SHIT HELP!" screamed a voice on the over side of the line.

"Nicky, Nicky, calm the fuck down and talk," I said, knowing the voice instantly.

One of my childhood best friends Nicola. She had always been a shy person, until I ruined her and turned her into a crazy tumblr fangirl.

"There. Are. Zombies. Outside. MY FUCKING HOUSE!" Nicky screamed.

Like anyone would in this situation, I thought this was a joke.

"Haha. Very funny. Now what's really up?" I asked, wanting to get back to my couch.


I checked my texts, there was photos, from everyone I knew who lived around Nicky's area.

At first I thought it was a joke, but there was waaaay too many of them. And they were way too real. Make up might do wonders to most girls (not me) but it can't do that!

"Nicky I'll be over as soon as I can, just need to get some shit. Go upstairs and blockade it for now," without waiting for a response I hung up.

"JOSH!" I shouted at Joven, "CMERE!"

"This better be fucking good woman," he muttered, "I was watching Batman!"

"This is good, trust me," I promised the black haired man as I passed the phone to him and did no more.

"You get the car, I'll get the shit," Joven said, pushing up his glasses as he did so.

I nodded, grabbed the car keys and ran out to the garage.

Needless to say Joven and I knew what we were doing. We had talked about this situation way too often. Our excuse is we're geeks. Still a pretty bad excuse though.

I started up the car and waited for Joven to load everything in. Then we were off. Ready to try our best to survive without losing our minds.

Thank you to all who read through the whole thing!!! I know it's suckish and short but that's only because it's a prologue! They will usually be 1000+ words but it's a prologue so I halved it. Hope you keep reading on.

Youtubers + Zombies = Trouble. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now