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I cried the night she told me that she would never come to a wedding if I married a girl.

I cried and cried for the first time in months because I was in love with the girl. Her eyes were the purest evergreen and she adored pulling me close subconsciously in the middle of the night. She would listen to every word I said, even the spiteful ones that often bit back.

The sounds of a needle on nylon would fill in the empty sounds of fingers loosely braiding strands of hair.  She never allowed for me to feel uncomfortable and would take a thousand steps back if she ever crossed a line. She would whisper sweet promises of our future and I at such a young age believed her.

Bu fear got to the best of me and the night was dark and cold. I let one women's words affect the love I had but I had to choose. The love from my lover or the love from my mother.

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